His Attitude Stinks!

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Derrik sat slumped over in the chair beside Aleia's bed. His hand still held her's even in his sleep.

Aleia slowly woke up and looked around until she found her husband sitting there beside her. She smiled and gently squeezed his hand. She loved him so much. Though was being very careful not to wake him. He needed his sleep for he had many important things that he would need to do. She looked at the deep set frown to his lips and she wanted to only make him smile again. Sleeping in a chair didn't seem so comfortable, when he woke up she would move over so he had enough room to sleep beside her.

Through his slumber, Derrik sensed Aleia's thoughts. He slowly roused himself to a conscious state. Was Aleia really awake and thinking or was it just a dream? Derrik wondered as he peeked one eye open. There she was, her beautiful eyes wide open and gazing at him. Derrik opened both eyes and smiled at her. "Good morning." He said in a gravelly voice. He cleared his throat. "How are you feeling, darling?"

"Good morning my loving husband." she said softly with a smile, "It feels better, at least I can breathe." she said softly, she scooted over in the bed, "Why don't you get in here with me and hold me." she suggested softly, "Then you can sleep a bit better."

Derrik rose from the chair and attempted to get into the bed without jostling it. He settle down next to her wrapped her in his arms. He pressed a kiss to her temple.

Aleia smiled as she snuggled into him, "I love you." she said softly. "I love you so,so much." She knew that she could never live without this amazing man. She was so grateful that they found each other.

"Me too." Derrik whispered as he kissed her temple again. "Mehana is dead. Si is staying here for the time being along with the others in Mehana's posse."

Aleia nodded softly, "Everyone is safe though? How many did we lose?" she whispered lightly.

"Only Mehana." Derrik chuckled softly. "I doubt any of us consider her a loss though. You just relax, everything is fine now."

"Yes, not so much of a loss." she smiled slightly, "I think we did our job well."

"Yes, we did." Derrik got up from the bed. "I'm going to get some food. It's been ages since we skipped breakfast. Would you like something, sweetheart?"

Aleia thought for a moment, "Maybe just some tea if there is any." she said softly, "But I can get it." she moved to get out of bed.

"Nonsense. Titiana was clear on her healthcare instructions for you. You are to stay put. I don't want that woman on my case." Derrik winked at her playfully as he left the room.

Aleia smiled, 'Only because you know Dax would also be on your case.' she thought to herself as she settled back down and closed her eyes. She was already getting tired and she hadn't even done anything.

The tea water was cheerfully bubbling on the stove top. Derrik couldn't help but think that it matched his mood. He whistled happily, as he prepared a light snack of sweet rolls and cucumber sandwiches. It had been a while since he had prepared his own meal. Usually Dax took care of the meals, freeing Derrik for more pressing duties. When water had boiled sufficiently, Derrik prepared the tea cups then carried the tray up stairs. He smiled at his sleeping wife. She looked so sweet and happy. Derrik sat the tray down on the nightstand and joined her in the bed. Closing his eyes and pulling her close, he joined her in a peaceful sleep.

Titiana woke up and glanced about the room for a second not realizing where she was. Then as the memories of the night prior came back into her mind she had to smile. That was the best night sleep she ever had, though she knew that was because she was in Dax's arms. She was rather glad now that Aleia had gotten stranded on this planet. Not only did Aleia find one true love but so did she.

Dax smiled down at Titiana, "You're awake then." He whispered. He had woken quite a while ago but rather then moving from the bed he had been content with just laying there and watching his beautiful wife sleep.

Titiana smiled "I am." she kissed his lips. "Did you sleep well?" she asked him softly though she moved so that he could get up with ease. She felt so wonderful, as if she was floating on clouds.

"I slept very well." He assured her. "You're beautiful." He stood and laughed. "I never thought I'd see the day." Taking her hand he pulled Titiana to her feet. "Derrik made his own breakfast. Can you smell it?"

The smell of sweet and spicy drifted throughout the cave, giving it a warm homey scent. "I never thought he'd ever be bothered with preparing a meal. Guess marriage will be good to him."

Titiana smiled, "And you're very handsome." she said and she laughed, "Well Aleia isn't a very good cook so at least we know when he chooses to Derrik can cook. I wonder how she's doing today."

"Let's go see." Dax suggested as he held the door for his sweet bride.

She walked out of the room and then waited for him to come before she took his hand in hers to walked with him.

Dax knocked on Aleia's bedroom door.

"Come in." Derrik mumbled.

Titiana eased inside the door with Dax behind her.

Aleia opened her eyes and smiled, "Hi guys." she said softly.

"Hi," Dax said nodding at Derrik. "How are you doing?" He asked Aleia.

"I'm doing good, even better now." She said looking to Derrik for a moment and smiling.

"Good." Dax said. He nodded at their breakfast tray. "You made breakfast."

"In case Aleia was hungry."

Dax nodded.

"Is that a problem?" Derrik asked with a glance at his beautifully arranged tray.

"You didn't ask if Titiania and I wanted breakfast."

Derrik raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You wanted me to make you breakfast?"

"No," Dax shook his head, "I have the feeling your breakfast you be barely tolerable."

"Then why the fuss?" Derrik asked, his brow puckered in complete confusion.

"You didn't ask if we wanted breakfast."

"Oh good grief." Derrik turned to Aleia. "Did I tell you marriage was good for him?"

"You never told me that." Aleia said.

"Good." Derrik said with a glare at Dax, "Because his attitude stinks."

Aleia laughed softly, she didn't know what to say to that. She just shook her head, Then she turned to Dax and Titiana, "Congratulations by the way."

"Thanks." Dax said. "At least one person noticed our happily wedded bliss."

Derrik smiled at Aleia as he pulled the breakfast tray onto his lap. "Let me feed you a sweet roll, my dear." He said with a wink at Dax.

Aleia smiled, "That would be lovely thank you."

Derrik smiled as he placed a bit of sweet roll in her mouth. Then he took a bite of his own. He moaned in delight. "That is the best. You should go make yourself some breakfast for you and your bride, Dax."

Dax took Titiana's hand. "Let's go make a picnic of our own, sweetheart."

"Sounds fantastic, let's go." she said as she squeezed his hand and left with him.

Aleia looked to Derrik and smiled, "Now we are even stronger than we were before. Just think about all that we can do, we will be able to handle anyone that comes against us. We will be able to do anything, because we will do it together."

"You said it." Derrik said as he tenderly kissed his warrior wife.

*~* Finis *~*

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