Excited By The Dragon

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"Did you have a nice conversation?" A low gravely voice asked.

Aleia stood calmly. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe -. Screw the exercises! There is a dragon in the room! Aleia glanced around the room, taking in the only exit and the closed window.

"Are you frightened, little one?" For such a large creature, the dark purple and silver dragon fairly glided forward. He contained a grace that humans simply could never attain to.

Aleia tilted her head slightly so she could look the dragon directly in the face. "No. Of course I'm not."

The dragon made a soft purring sound as he stepped even closer. "What would it take to scare you, Aleia?" He whispered.

"Nothing would scare me." Aleia said firmly, raising her chin in defiance. She was determined to hold her ground against this odd creature. Hmm, it was interesting that he knew her name.

"Those are strong words." The dragon reached out and brushed his hand against her cheek. His touch caused her to shiver slightly. To Aleia's surprise, his scaly skin was not dry and rough nor wet and slimy. Instead, it had a soft polished feel to it. "But, you are afraid of certain human emotions. Aren't you, Aleia? Emotions like love. Does love scare you, Aleia?" He moved his hand to brush against her other cheek, then he ran his hand down her soft hair.

Aleia jerked away from his soft touch. "Don't touch me." She hissed. "It makes me uncomfortable not afraid." Aleia was determined that he would see no weakness in her.

The dragon countered her move and slid closer until she was pressed between the rock wall and himself. "You like my touch." He whispered. His sweet breath washed gently over her ear and hair. "It makes you uncomfortable because you've never experienced such a pleasurable feeling. I can feel your pulse racing. You aren't scared of me, no. You are excited by me." Taking both hands this time he gently cupped her face and tilted it upward so he could look into her beautiful mesmerizing eyes. He had never seen such expressive eyes on a human before. "You don't know who I am?"

Aleia shivered with pure ecstasy. The truth was, the dragon was correct. She had never experienced anything like his touch before and she was unsure of it. "Maybe I've had plenty of lovers that you don't know about." She avoided eye contact for several split seconds before she allowed herself to examine his eyes. She gasped softly. "Your eyes.. Your eyes are just like-. Derrik, is that you?"

"Who else would I allow to roam my communications room late at night when all normal fellows are asleep in their beds or else kissing their wives if they are so fortunate to have one?"

"Now that is the question. You let me wander around while everyone is supposed to be asleep." Aleia attempted to shove Derrik away with no avail.

Derrik the Dragon appeared to smile down at her. "Maybe I simply wanted to catch you." He leaned forward and rubbed his cheek against the softness of her hair. She smelled so delightful. She smelled like the meadow on a soft summer day, with the breeze blowing through the trees, small elegant flowers dancing in the breeze.

"Congratulations, you caught me now. It's time to let me go so I may rest."

"Maybe I want you to rest with me." Derrik murmured against her cheek. "Until my dying day."

Aleia closed her eyes and held her breath as he did that, "That is not possible, now if you would please let me return to my room, Derrik, I would appreciate it." From all of her so far failed attempts his dragon form was a lot stronger than her so trying to get free was futile. She would just have to wait until he decided to let her go.

"It's more possible then you'd like to believe." Derrik whispered. "Even if I let you go now, you'll think of me. When you're alone in room laying in your bed, you'll be wondering about me. The kiss we could've shared. The life we might've had." Derrik rubbed his cheek against hers once more before he slowly pulled away. He transferred back into his human form. Leaning close he pressed his lips to the corner of her lips. "Aleia. Sleep well." Straightening he released her and strode from the room.

Aleia stood speechless for several long minutes. She unconsciously shivered as she thought of Derrik's warm touch. Where she was from nobody even shook hands, touching another's face was unthinkable. Turning, Aleia dazedly walked back to her bedroom. Alone, in the privacy of her room, Aleia's mind wend aflame.

Her mind went to the only couple she had known in her short life. Her parents. Aleia's mother passed when she was ten. She could remember a few brief times that her mother had hugged her but nothing else. She thought of her parents relationship. She didn't recall ever seeing them hold hands or kiss. Aleia's father was a firm believer in physical affections showcasing a weakness within. This was completely unexplored territory for Aleia, and she wasn't sure if she should explore these delightful feelings further or back away onto safer grounds. He was so handsome though. She knew though that she could never be the good little wifey that stayed at home cleaning and cooking. She had not been trained that way, neither did she think that she could be so loving. It wouldn't be natural anyway.

Derrik paced his room in agony. The girl was torture. Pure and holy torture. In all of his six million years, Derrik had never met such a desirable person. She was everything his heart had been searching for and had never found. She wasn't the boring housewife type. No, for Derrik knew he would be quickly bored with that type of domestic life. Aleia was exciting and daring. She had a spark of life that called to Derrik. She had skills which other women lacked. Skills like combat and jammer creating. She would fit perfectly with Derrik's life- both his calm human life and his strange dragon life. Derrik could understand her reluctance to accept his affections. She was raised in a harsh cold environment, her reaction to his advances was understandable. Even so, Derrik had never acted like such a fool towards anybody especially a woman. A part of him, a small part that rarely showed itself felt nervous and rejected. He had never put himself out for a woman before, to know that she rejected his efforts he felt unsure of himself. Like maybe he wasn't enough for a woman. Derrik struggled to push aside his uncertainties.

He liked being so close to Aleia. She lit his blood on fire. Derrik had struggled not to press his lips to hers. He had wanted to so badly but he knew that he couldn't kiss her until she wanted him too. Derrik sighed, she may never ask for his kiss. Should he push for her affection? Should he trap her like he did tonight? His being in the communications room had not been a mistake. Derrik heard Aleia's thoughts as he had been passing her room. So he waited for her in the communications room. No matter what happened, Derrik was sure he would treasure tonight above all others. For tonight he had touched heaven.

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