Romancing The Warrior

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Aleia got up the next morning very tired, truth was she hadn't really slept so well the night before, especially after the encounter between her and Derrik. She decided to just grab something quick for breakfast and then went outside and started to work surveying and trying to find that stone. When she finally found it, she got the materials that she needed to chip some away. She got several large pieces and took them around town to the different places before she went back into the cave, "Dax have there been any new transmissions lately?"

"Only one, but Derrik got it so you would have to talk to him." Dax said with a smile.

"Oh...right." she said hesitantly, "Thanks." she said, "And where is he?"

"He is in the war room, Miss."

"Thank you." She walked into the war room. She hesitated before speaking, "Who was the transmission from?"

"My manservant tells me that you are avoiding me?" He turned to face her.

She looked away from him, "I....I'm not avoiding you...I just have much work to do before the attack. That, however, is hardly the point."

"Then look me in the eye."

Aleia turned and looked him in the eyes, "See?"

Derrik smiled at her, a slow tolerant smile. "Yes. But you're not seeing me. You're looking me in the eyes but refusing to 'see'."

Aleia laughed a little, "How can I look at you and still not see you? Sometimes you make no sense you know that? You completely baffle me. Anyway about that message."

"I told you." He looked at her but was clearly not 'seeing' her as he spaced out. Turning his vision inward he thought of how she looked last night in the communications room, she was flushed, her heart racing.  No, she wasn't scared. Not at all. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered the feel of her hair and skin.

"Right..." she said just watching him waiting for him to come back to reality. She was really starting to believe that there was no message and this was Dax's way of trying to get them together. She was not so stupid as she looked, "Then I'll leave you to what you were doing then."

Derrik stepped forward with a small grin tugging at his lips. "At last you finally looked at me." He slid an arm around her back and gently pulled her flush with his body. "You guessed correctly. There was no message. It was Dax and his attempt to get you to me. He is quite the matchmaker. Aleia."

"So I'm learning, if you'll excuse me I need to go do something." she said stepping back away from him, "I guess I'll see you later?"

"You are avoiding me." A frown puckered his brow, his lips turned down in sadness. How could this be? The only woman he'd ever wanted didn't even want to be near him. Of course, the small devil in his mind said, if you kissed her you may do a fair job at convincing her otherwise. But to steal a kiss? Badly as Derrik wanted to, he wasn't sure that he could. He wanted her to want him. And soon, before he lost his patience and kissed her without permission.

Aleia felt bad, without her permission her hand touched his brow in an effort to smooth it. When she realized what she was doing she pulled it back. "I'm not avoiding you, I'm just not comfortable with all of this." she shook her head, "I could never be what you want. I wasn't raised like that, I was raised a warrior." she looked down for a moment before she looked back up at him, "Please don't think that there is something wrong with you because that is not the case. I....I could never be...." she shook her head.

"You don't understand. Aleia, it would take a trained warrior to be my bride. This isn't about giving anything up or becoming something you're not. This is about two special people joining forces to become the perfect pair. Together we would be whole. I can feel it, can't you? Don't you realize that I am the one who will complete you, the perfect compliment to you and your beautiful skills?" Leaning down, Derrik rested his forehead against hers. "I want you, Aleia. The warrior Aleia. You are perfect the way you are. Aleia, you complete me." He whispered. Derrik pressed his lips against Aleia's soft full lips. Heaven pure heaven. The kiss lasted bare seconds, just a soft press but it was enough to tear Derrik's heart out.

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