Sleeping Warrior Lady

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After tea, Derrik showed Aleia to the room where she would be staying for the evening. "I hope you find everything to your comfort." The room was large with few furnishings. It had a large bed in the middle of the room, a large arm chair and a dresser. The room was decorated in shades of lavender, purple, and silver.

"It's fine, thank you." Aleia admired the room but the thing that caught her attention most was the comfortable looking bed. It was piled with decorative pillows and warm looking blankets. She couldn't wait to snuggle underneath them and take a small respite from her recent adventure.

"If you require anything at all, simply call out and someone will come in to attend you promptly. Did you wish a bath before you sleep?"

"Thank you but no." Aleia had bathed well in a creek before she had put on her 'impractical' dress.

"Very well. I shall leave you then. Have a pleasant evening." Derrik cast her a small smile before pulling the door shut behind himself.

Aleia smiled to herself, this would be a pleasant nights sleep. At least she wasn't sleeping on the ground again. She sat on the bed and bounced slightly. It was a soft bed, just right for sleeping. She stood and undressed before climbing under the warm thick blankets. Her head barely hit the pillow before she drifted off to sleep.

Derrik marched down the hallway, away from the room that held the sleeping warrior lady. He chuckled to himself as he recalled her startled look when he had spoken some thoughts she'd had at the beginning of the dinner conversation. That had been cute. She had looked almost vulnerable when he had mentioned the dresses being 'practical'.

"Master Derrik. There are a number of town officials who wish your presence tomorrow. It has something to do with an odd wreckage they found on Mayefhiew's land."

"Of course." Derrik had been expecting this. It had taken longer for them to discover the wreckage then he thought it would. "Tell them they may address me tomorrow at ten o'clock sharp. Perhaps we should allow our guest to attend as well." Derrik smiled at Dax, "It would be interesting to gain her thoughts on the matter."

Dax bowed, "Very well, Sir. I shall notify them of the arrangement. Did you wish anything before I retire?"

"Thank you, no, Dax. I have some things to do before I sleep."

"Like examining a certain wreckage?"

Derrik smiled at the wise man, "Perhaps."


Derrik Deegan stood before twisted metal. It was amazing, he thought, that the girl had not been more seriously injured. It appeared that the ship had seen its share of battles. Only a battle fighter would receive markings on its hull like this. Derrik ran his hand over parts of the hull. It was true that most of the metal was twisted, but you could plainly see marks where this ship had been shot at. It also revealed that it was only two years old which meant that this ship and its owner had seen more action then she let on. Of course, Derrik mused, if he looked close enough he may find a number of similar 'scars' on his female houseguest.

Deegan wanted to see what was on the inside of this mysterious ship. He glanced around to make sure he was truly alone before he altered his shape. Becoming his dragon form. He moved forward and carefully pulled the twisted metal apart. He noticed some skin particles inside the vehicle. Unless he missed his guess, it appeared that his guest had been trapped inside. It also appeared that she had pulled herself free. He made quick work of examining the interior of the ship. It had very little inside except for a couple of rather interesting swords. No doubt, the girl would be wanting them. They appeared to be very valuable, lethal weapons. The kind that a person accustomed to danger would carry. Well, viewing this wreckage had proved to be very valuable. So, just what else hadn't his guest told him?

Aleia's Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें