Chapter twelve: The Rescue

Depuis le début

Second Cole nodded, "As much as I want to see the look on Lloyd's face, we need all the help we can get. The problem is the prison is up somewhere on the top. We'll have to be careful."

"You guys go on ahead. I'll distract them," Second Nya said.

"Okay," Second Cole replied, "Be careful."

Second Nya rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, I'll be okay."

"I'll stay with her," Lloyd said, "Someone's gotta use their powers on them."

Second Cole smiled, "Thanks, Lloyd."

Second Nya and Lloyd went inside the gate to attack them. The warriors felt for it. While they were fighting, it was our chance to sneak inside.

We made it to the door without being seen. Second Cole peeked his head out to see if anyone was there. Instead, they were all busy fighting Lloyd and Second Nya.

I was about to enter the elevator, but Second Cole grabbed my arm.

"Don't go in there. It's a trap. I can feel it."

We had no choice but to run up the stairs. Jay already started to get tired after the sixth floor.

"Where's...the prison at..." I panted.

"How should I know?" Second Cole gasped, "I've never been inside the lair before. I was only underground."

"Oh great!" Jay cried, "Now we have to hunt it down. This is what the elevator is for!"

"The only reason we didn't use the elevator is because that's a stupid idea," Second Cole said.

We went up about 20 floors and still couldn't find the prison. Honestly, I prefer carrying Second Cole up the mountain than this crap.

None of us ran anymore. Jay nearly passed out. I couldn't even walk, and Second Cole stopped to catch his breath.

"I'm....surprised...that no one....found us yet," Jay choked in breaths.

"Which floor are we on?" I asked.

"We're on the thirty-fifth floor," Second Cole replied.

We all looked up ahead, then stopped panting. The place was dark, and there were jail cells.

"We made it!" Jay cried.

Second Cole sighed in relief, "Alright, move carefully."

We walked past a few paths. It was like a maze. I looked into the other cells and saw bodies. They were bodies of citizens. Some looked like they suffered, and some didn't even move...

"Just look away, Nya," Second Cole said to me.

We were about to head left until Second Cole stopped us. There were guards around that cell. I noticed that the cell was bigger than the others.

"Look at that pesky Earth ninja," One warrior said.

"Yeah," Another chuckled, "He deserves all this. I'm surprised he's not dead yet."

I'm assuming that we were at Cole's cell. I couldn't see him since too many warriors were in the way.

"Now what?" Jay asked.

"We're gonna have to distract them," I said, "We have to rescue Cole."

"Don't worry, I have a plan," Second Cole said.

Second Cole tells Jay to distract the warriors, while me and Second Cole free Cole.

"Let our friend go, you fiend!" Jay cried as he jumped out.

The chief laughed, "You pathetic child. Let's see how you like it when I release the hounds!"

Three warriors came out with three black-furred dogs. Only to find out that they're demon dogs. They had four red eyes, two tails, and sharp fangs that looked like they could tear anything.

The warriors released the leashes then the hounds charged at Jay. He set back then they started to attack.

While they were busy, it was our chance to move past them, but instead, they came to us.

We had to fight our way through. Second Cole tossed one at another dog, and I could make a dog slip and fall.

"You leave my friends alone!" Jay cried.

Jay shocked them with his lightning. Two got hit, and the third one pounced on his chest. The hound tried to get his face, but he pushed it back.

"Jay!" I cried.

"Go!" Jay shouted, "Don't worry about me. Just go get Cole!"

Second Cole grabbed my arm and then went to the cell. He bent the bars over wide enough for us to fit.

I gasped. Cole looked like he got hit by a bus and a semi-truck. He had a black eye, his arms were bruised. One looked infected with something. He had whip marks all over his back and shoulder blades.

I quickly ran over to him. He was unconscious. I noticed blood on the floor, which must've come from his mouth.

I shook him, but he didn't respond. I checked to see if he had a pulse, and he did.

Second Cole pressed a button to get Cole out of the chains. Before Cole fell to the ground, I caught him in my arms. I get on my knees then put Cole's head on my lap.

"Cole..." I whispered, "Can you hear me..."

He didn't respond. I repeated, still nothing. I think he wanted to say something, but he was too weak. If we hadn't come sooner, then he probably would've died.

I began to stroke his head. His hair was still soft. I tried everything to wake him up, but it wasn't working so far.

Suddenly, Cole's arm twitched a bit. I put my other hand on his cheek to wake him up faster. I stared at him.

Cole's eyes slowly fluttered open. He groaned in pain then turned his head at me.

"Nya?" Cole whispered.

I couldn't help but smile. Cole smirked back. He looked down to see what he was lying on.

"Well, this is something you don't wake up to every day," Cole joked.

Second Cole walked inside, "Alright, you two, enough with the puppy eyes, it's time to get going."

Cole stared at his second-dimension self, back at me, then at Second Cole.

"Uhh," Cole paused, "Are you like my long-lost brother or something?"

Second Cole laughed, "We'll explain later. Now come on, let's go...."

Ninjago: Journey to the Other DimensionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant