Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! I jump out my sleep from my alarm going off. I slap my alarm off on my bed side table and slowing getting out of bed. I look at the time and screamed

"No! I'm going to be late!"

I rush to my bathroom take care of my hygiene and getting ready for work. Minutes later I went to the kitchen and look through my cupboard and to only find an energy bar form last month's shopping. I grab the bar, my coat and keys heading to the door eating my bar.

As walk out the door, I hear people talking I look around and spot Mrs. Davis talking with next-door neighbor. I think she heard my door closing she turn around see me standing here frozen on the spot. With the face expression she had on I know she was about to yell and that's just what she did.


I shake my head sadly walking out the building on to the busy street. Thirty minutes later I arrive to work, walking in greeting me was lily with sweet smile on her face.

"Good morning lily, how are you this morning?" I said with a smile

"Oh morning my sweets I'm doing excellent this lovely morning, how about you?" she reply

"I'm ok" I said sadly looking at my shoe

"What happen jenny? You know could tell me anything right?" she said concern

"Oh's nothing" I said hoping she buy it by my answer "listening here young lady don't give me it's nothing thing, I need to know that you're ok so tell me now" she scolded me

"sorry it just I don't want you to worry about me not when you other things to worry about" I replied

"Aww jenny I know that I don't know you that long, but I like you like my own and you work really hard" she said sweetly and wiping my falling tears away.

"Thank you that mean so much to me lily, it's just that my landlord been harassing me about this month rent and I told her that she will get it today" I told her

Its ok honey I'll give you extra pay today for all you hard working ok. Let's starting opening before we run out of business" she laughs walking away

I smile walking to the backroom to hang my coat up then I went out back help her with open. After we finished setting everything up, I wore I apron standing at the ready for the customer. Today it just me and Pauline working on the counter but she isn't even here to help me she supposed to be here an hour ago.

Daniel is only boy that work here but he keeps to himself he don't talk much also he's the chef. Then there's Abby she's Pauline's best friend, I guess she and Abby might be late just as I thought that the walk through the door. When Pauline spots me at the counter she walk over with her idiot Abby.

I thought this is going to be one hell of a day.

"Hey fatty why aren't you taking orders?" she stands in front of me

"Yeah fatty why are you still standing here?" Abby smirks flipping her hair. They have thick make up that you can scrape it off with a knife I thought

"Because someone didn't turn up early so have to do both" I said annoyed

"What did you said to me bitch you know when I get promoted to manager I'm going to make your life a living hell" she said angry

"I'm already living in hell that can't be bad" I walk away heading to my next customers. I know that she staring a hole in of my head and I don't care I need this job I thought

His Curvy WaitressOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora