The Spanish Cobra?

Start from the beginning

After that, it was just a small swim up to the beach where we sprinted over the sand to the nearby motion cameras and activated the loop feed. He applied the hacking device which gave a confirming red blink when it was done. "Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is on a continuous loop, move in." Kaldur informed through the com link in our ears.

It would have been completely easier to fly over with them. However, we had a few problems to that plan. We would be obviously seen over the trees with my wings and a man hanging from under me. And even if I used my invisibility, it wouldnt work on Kaldur too. So I was set as back up for Kaldur just in case we got caught.

On other note, my abilities did bring me out of my aquatic state and back to normal. "Time to move out." He nodded in agreement with me and we began our run into the jungle that infested Santa Prisca.

Although it wasnt needed, we stayed silent while we traveled into the wilderness and greenery. The soaked mud compressed under my feet with every step and the humid air filled through my nose. These small facts were some of the things I used to keep my mind from falling out of order.

Cant say I was completely bored though, our com links were on 24/7 so I could hear the entire situation of the second part of our team. But unexpectedly, I felt a slight rock in the ground beneath my feet. The trees swayed slightly and the cries of frightened birds echoed as they took flight. Aqualad, along with myself paused for a second, unsure of what it was. I knew both of our heads were imagining that we could have been caught by the enemy or that something at the factory had gone wrong with the Venom drug.

"Knew I didnt need a line." SB commented smugly. My face blanked. Did that boy really just jump from the bio-ship? What the hell happened to 'think smart'? An irritated sigh blew through my lips before I nodded to my teamamate as a sign of it being fine and we continued on.

"Yet, creating a seismic event may not as helped so much with the 'covert.'" Robin reprimanded.

The trees of the jungle stopped as Aqualad and I came up to a cliff side that was blocking our way to the others. We had no other choice but to climb it but even that would take a bit of time. "Lets make this a bit easier, shall we?" I sang as I walked up to the towering rock and gave it a quick bump of my fist. A few seconds later and individual pieces of rock shot from the side as holes to grab while climbing.

Kaldur grinned at me happily, making my cheeks fluster with a red tinge. I turned my head down a bit to avoid him noticing. Unfortunately, I had but my hair up in a ponytail so it couldnt act as a curtain as I did before. " Thank you."

"My pleasure." I answered hastily reaching for the nearest piece of ledge with him following me.

"Astral, Aqualad, Drop point 'B' is a go." Megan's seriousness in her tone was obvious that she was a bit scared about this and really excited. It was a typical reaction. Sound serious to cover the fact that this scenario was actually real compared to anything simulated.

"Head for the factory, we'll track your GPS and rendezvous with you ASAP."  We were three-fourths over the cliff just about to reach the top. My arms and legs strained to keep me balanced against the rock though I wasn't tired.

"We better pick up the pace." I suggested just as I got to the top before him. Repositioning myself with my knees on the ground and one of my hands tightly grasping the side of the cliff, I stuck my free hand over the edge to help him up. My aid was quickly accepted as his hand enveloped my forearm and mine wrapped around his.

I instantly yanked back, feeling his weight follow me as I pulled him up with me. But, as luck would have it, as I rose to my feet to get more room for his body to lay on the flat surface of the top of the cliff, my foot slipped out from under me. I let out a small yelp and closed my eyes as my own weight fell back and I clung to anything I could get my hands on to refrain from taking the collision to the ground.

Grew up with Green. To love Aqua. (A YJ fanfic/ Kaldur: Aqualad Love story.)Where stories live. Discover now