April 19th, 2005

163 5 3

I can't believe she thought I was gay! Where did she even get that idea? Seriously. Did I show any signs of me being gay? No. I was being her friend, for heaven's sake. Since when did that mean, I was gay? Can't a guy just be nice to a girl? We aren't all dickheads. Some of us are just sweet. That's me. I'm a nice guy, or at least I like to think so. Come on! So now, to prove I'm not gay, I have to be a dick to every girl. Yeah. Never gonna happen.

And another thing, where does she get off on telling people who they'd be 'perfect' with? I'm perfect for Zoe! And now she thinks that I'm gay. Oh, that's just lovely. Why can't she see that I like her and that we're meant to be? 

...Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself here. But, I do like her! I'm just not in love with her. It's way too soon for that. I've only known her like 11 days. Yet, I feel a connection to her. Maybe I''m just psyching myself out? Yeah. That's probably it. I just can't shake the feeling that one day I'll be saying a completely different four letter word starting with 'L'. But, that's just a dream. A hope. Wishful thinking, actually. 

Anyways, I went to the doctor's today and he gave me some medication for my vomitting problem. I'm hoping it works. I almost puked on my 'date' with Zoe. As soon as she asked if I was gay. That's where the stress vomit comes in. People ask the wrong questions and boom! Look out below. I kept it down though. Threw up in my mouth a little, but it was okay. At least I didn't barf all over her. Though, I probably should've after what she said.

Okay, okay! I admit that was kind of harsh, but look at what she did to me! Like, that wasn't harsh?

I also went to see Marcus, today. Turns out, he asked Zoe to the movies. What a prick. He knows I like her! It's not like I ever told him, but come on! You can't do that to your mate. He claims he didn't know, but he likes to outshine me all of the time. He did it on purpose. I know he did. He knew I liked her and stole her from right under my nose! What a jerk. 

Then again, he may not have known and maybe I shouldn't be blaming him so much. I know he's my best mate and would never underhand me like that. He valued my friendship too much, right? I know, I did. Maybe not, though.

Wow. I really need to stop psyching myself out so much. He didn't know and that's the story I'm sticking with. If it's not true, that's great, but I need to believe that is for right now. Marcus is a good person. It's not like he was going to ruin my chances with her, anyway. They'd probably break-up and I could then have a shot with her. Even if they didn't, I should be happy for them. This could be great for them.

Alright, well, I'm gonna go and get ready for my boy's night out. It should be fun. I invited Tyler, too. I feel as though I should get to know him more.

Until next time.


A/N: It's really crappy, I know :c But, it's only going to get better from here. Sorry for the late update!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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