April 16th, 2005

241 5 0

She's amazing. I haven't written for a while, because I've been hanging out with Zoe and Marcus so much. Zoe and I get along so well. She's so sweet and just, gah. We played video games for four hours yesterday! I've barely even talked to a girl for more than twenty minutes. It was so nice. She's funny. She was making fun of me, because I couldn't shoot the turtle far enough and it kept getting hit by spikes or shot at. Yeah, she ended up winning.

...Okay, I let her win.

...Okay, I lied. So, what?

I've never been good at gaming.

I told her that, she just shrugged and smiled, and said, "Who cares? It's just for fun, right?" And it was just that! She even got hit my a banana. (Did I mention she's also a big pervert at times?) And we fought a bit, we were so competitive. But, it was so much fun. No one got bumhurt at the end and we just ended up, daring each other to eat as many marshmallows as we could in a minute. How is that not fun?! I ate about 20...then, spat it back out...eek!

I have a serious problem with stress vomit...

...or just vomit in general.

I really need to go see a doctor or something.


"Eighteen...nineteen...twenty...twenty-o-" Zoe stopped short of couting when I dropped the marshmallow and ran towards the trashcan. The marshmalows weren't going to stay down. Upchucking into the plastic bin, I felt a hand rubbing soothing circles onto my back.

"Alfie? Are you okay?" Zoe's voice. It sounded so much like a dove. So beautiful and soft. Heavenly...angelic, you might say.

I shook my head, sitting back on my heels, the heat rising in my cheeks. This was so bloody embarrassing. I'd just hurled in front of the girl, I liked! Could it get any worse than this? I highly doubted it. It's not like I was sick or that I ate too much. Food just never agreed with me...ever. Standing, I steadied myself on my feet and held onto the counter for support.

Zoe came over and dabbed at my lips with a paper towel and a hand on my shoulder. "You poor thing. You look pale. Would you like to lay down?" I nodded meakly and she showed me to her couch, helping me to lay down and walking away. "Just stay right there. I'm gonna take care of you." Soon, she came back with a wet washcloth and placed it on my forehead before handing me a glass of fizzing water; Alka-Seltzer, I figured. Then she sat by my feet and placed a hand on my knee. "Are you okay?"

"No." I sighed. "I just...I don't know  what happened." You liar. "I guess, I shouldn't have to tried to eat so many."

"Next time, you should tell me. I would've let you stop. I feel like it's my fault." Zoe frowned.

"Zoe. It's not your fault. I wanted to do it. I agreed to it. It was anything but your fault." I smiled, reassuringly. "Don't worry about it, okay?" 

"Okay. But you're not leaving until, you feel better okay?" She smiled softly.

I already do. "Okay."

*End flashback*

I stayed at her house for over nine hours, yesterday! Wow. I started feeling better as soon as I laid down, but Zoe put on a movie and laid with me. I'd be crazy to leave, then. It was so nice. Her head on my shoulder, lips by my neck, hair nuzzling my cheek, her arm around my tummy, my arm around her shoudlers, the sweet smell of her strawberry perfume...just, everything. It was a great moment, for me. 

I did have to leave, though. Tyler came home and Zoe was so happy to see him. I told her, I felt a lot better and thanked her before leaving. I'm too damn nice to people! I need to learn to be meaner. Or at least stick up for myself. But with Zoe, I just couldn't even imagine being rude around her. She liked Tyler and there was nothing I could do about it. Her smile said it all.

But, hey. At least I got to share a day with Zoe. It was a great day-besides the puke-and I'd love to relive it everyday. Sadly, I can't. 

Maybe I'll be lucky enough to have more like it. 

Who knows?

Until next time.


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