April 3rd, 2005

827 8 0

Today, I met the most amazing girl. Her name is Zoella, I think. Yes. Zoella Sugg. Now, if that doesn't make her attractive already, then the way she looks is like a slap in the face. Ice blue eyes, a flawless complexion (hell, if she even needs make-up), long, beautiful hair, and her lips. Oh, gosh. She was...just, perfect.

Marcus introduced us. I thought it was a set-up for me, then I learned that Marcus liked her. And, who am I to jump in out of the blue? I'm the new guy. A nobody. Merely another body in this girl's life. She's probably already forgotten about me, but I can't seem to.

I don't know, maybe I shouldn't give up? Maybe I should go after her? I  want to. So, badly. But Marcus is one of my bestfriends. Besides, I think she has a boyfriend. Tyler or something. They seem rather happy. I don't understand why Marc would try to come between that. He's not like me, I guess. I like seeing people happy, when I know I won't be. Her smile, it's like the sun. You know that as soon as it comes up, everything seems okay. It brightens up your world. You can't frown, even when it seems like nothing is going to go right. It's beautiful. And I've only known the girl a few hours.

Maybe, everyone is right. Maybe, I do fall to easily. But isn't that good, if you really like the person?

Oh, well. Until next time.


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