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Rayne's POV

---------------> Picture of inspiration for Rayne on the side :)

(A/N): I typed this on my phone so please excuse any grammatical errors. Thank you!

My name is Rayne Clearwater. My mother named me that because when i was born it was raining heavily. It was probably a sign from the heavens that my life was going to be sad and empty the way it is now. Im kind of superstitious, but I got that from my mother. She was a beautiful, silly, and talented woman who believed everything her horoscope said and would watch weird gypsy shows on daytime television. She's dead now though.

She died in a car accident last week while coming to pick me up from another harsh day at school. I got bullied on alot there because I'm gay. They would throw trash at me, shove me whenever they got the chance, or call me a fag. I literally had no friends there. But one thing my mother taught me was to stay true to myself no matter what.

So no matter what they did to me, I refused to be ashamed of being gay. It was apart of me. So if anyone didnt like it, that was their problem, not mine. I know the reason I was an easy target for them though, it was because I dont speak. At all. I havent spoken a word in 5 years, since the day of my parent's divorce.

Long story short my Dad ran off with some skank named Marilyn. I only saw her when my Dad would come get me for a couple days each month for bonding time. Marilyn had a son of 17, my age, named Kyle and it was clear that they both hated me. Im pretty sure the reason was because I'm gay. Marilyn comes from a very religious background and being gay is a sin in her opinion. I know that because she told me to my face, while I was over and my Dad was out at work. Kyle wasnt very accepting either, he'd glare at me and shove me whenever he got the chance. Of course my Dad didnt know about this, because i dont talk and i dont want him to side with Marilyn and hate me to.

I also apparently have the worst luck because I'm sitting in a black SUV right now headed, guess where?! My dads house in Seattle, Washington! Now that my moms dead my dad has full custody and i have to live with him, Marilyn, and Kyle now.

When I arrive at their classic big, white picket fenced, ranch styled house. Their lawn was a brilliant green and the driveway wrapped aroud it in an upside down U shape. The large porch held a bench swing and next to it was a golden framed glass double door. I took a deep breath, and wrote in the blue spiiral notebook (that I always carry around to communicate when i have to), a thank you note to the driver, who smiled and nodded at me. Then I got out of the car ready to walk into hell.

A few minutes after I rang the doorbell, the door opened to Marilyn's makeup caked face. I swear the woman wears tons of the stuff! Her thick, bright red lipstick made her already wide mouth look even wider as she smiled that sickening fake smile at me. The fact that she was smiling at me meant that my dad was near.

Sure enough, my Dad appeared at the door a few seconds later. "Hello Rayne! Come on in!" He beamed brightly at me while ushering me into the huge front room. The floor was made of expensive white carpeting, family photos covered the walls, and there was a big staircase that lead upstairs to the bedrooms. I looked up to see Kyle coming down the stairs. As soon as he caught sight of me he stared at me, glaring. 

"Kyle help Rayne with his bags and show him his room!" Dad said cheerily.

Kyle looked pretty agitated, but he grabbed one of my bags and began walking quickly back up the stairs. I had to walk fast to keep up and I nearly ran into him when he stopped abruptly at the second door on the left of the wide hallway. 

I waited until he pushed open the door, and walked in. The room was pretty big, and the walls were painted ocean blue (my favorite color). There was a desk where a Apple computer sat, and a large bookcase right next to it. The bed was king sized with fluffy white pillows and a blue comforter to match the walls. The room was PERFECT! Kyle watched me disgustedly as I looked around the room in awe.

"Ew, can you be anymore of a fag?" He said while throwing my bag at me.

The bag was heavy and it hit me sqaure in the stomach. I doubled over in pain trying to catch my breath.

Kyle walked over, standing over me. "Let's get one thing straight, this is my house and I don't like disgusting gay faggots in it. Unfortunately I have to put up with you living here, therefore, you will not talk to me in school, you will not tell anyone that I am even related to you, you will not touch any of my things, I don't even want you looking at me! If you do any of those things I will beat the shit out of you! Do you understand?"

I'm small, I hate fighting, and it's not like I could say anything, so I just gave in and nodded.

"Good." He said while walking briskly out of the room.

After he left I got up and sat on my new bed. "Mom I hate it here already." I thought to myself while looking up at the ceiling. I felt tears burning in my eyes. God, I miss her.

I thought about what school would be like tomorrow. I hope that people won't think I'm a freak when they find out I can't talk. I laid down on the bed without changing out of my clothes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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