March 16th

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March 16th:

My life is over. This will probably be one of the last times I'll write.

Guess why?

My lung have gotten bad again.

Perfect. When everything went good again, this had to happen.

The doctors did some research if there is a new way to operate my lunge. And they did found a new way. The only catch is.. is that they have to lay me in som kind of medical koma.

Yup. I don't know for how long, I don't even know if I will make it. The operation should've taken place today, but I wanted to meet my friends first. Seeing their shiny faces gives me the strength and comfort I need.

So It was decided that I will meet them tomorror If it works out. The surgery takes place in the afternoon. And if, If I am lucky, I will meet them.

But I'm actually a little nervous. I haven't seen them since the accident. And suddenly meeting them before the last, like, hour before the surgery.. I don't know, it doesn't feel particularly fun. Neither for me nor the others.

All I want in the world is to meet my friends again, for one finall time. It would satisfy all wishes in the world.


the end

See you all next time!!  ^^

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