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It had now been a week since Miwa, Aichi and the others saw Kai. Then it meant that there had been three weeks since the accident. Kai still had not woken up. His condition had not improved, but had not gotten worse either.

Miwa visited Kai as much as he could and managed, mentally if you understand. Each time it ended the same way. Miwa came in and sat down on a chair next to Kai. He would start babbling about how the day has been and about all the homework they have been given so that he soon flips out. Then he was silent for a moment and began to cry. He hated to see his friend like this. When he calmed down, he prayed that Kai would wake up and everything would be fine again. Then he began to chatter again about the usual things, Vanguard, their friends and so on. Around that time, Miwa used to gome home. But not before he had taken a quick look at Kai.

After a day had finally become a habit. Miwa was not as afraid to see Kai as he lay in his bed almost lifeless. The others had also visited more than they used to. Sometime it happened that they got there two and two. Sometimes it happened that they all arrived at the same time.

Aichi was no longer degraded as he was in the beginning. He could barely go to the hospital, not even looking at the hospital. But those feelings had begun to disappear as Kai's injuries began to decrease. But Kai had still not woken up and his condition had not changed a bit.

Miwa had started to get really worried. Kai had soon been in a coma for a month and not a single glimpse of improvement. But it was not the only thing he was worried about. But it was, the school also. Kai had not been to school since the accident. He had missed a lot of things that were important to their graduation day. But Miwa had been a good friend and write down important facts to Kai during lessons, he just hoped they were good enough.

After yet another week the doctors are more uncertain about if Kai would wake up or not. Sure you can lay in a coma for a while but most were up to a week. But Kai had been in a coma for a little more than a month. Usually at this time, Kai would have woken up long ago, but he has not. But just the other day had been noticed that Kai's condition slowly began to move to a more steady level. Which would give both doctors and his friends hope again. But then stayed there again. It was right on the line between stable and unstable. What this part was good. It meant that Kai began to get better. All that is needful is a little patience.

Two weeks later, Kai's condition improved greatly. His heartbeat had started to beat at a normal pace and his heartbeat began to move in a more normal rate.

One Friday night, everyone of the gang met at the entrance of the hospital. Miwa, Misaki, Aichi, Kamui, and everyone else, but I won't list them all. They went to Kai's room. They took an opposite chair and sat down. They were still worried about if Kai would wake up or not. Although his condition had become much better, but he still had not shown any glimmer of waking up. And by now it felt as if he never would.

They sat and talked as usual, when suddenly a small sound was heard from Kai's direction. The gang looked there, and suddenly became nervous. Kai had begun to move. The body parts he could move.

And suddenly, a pair of green eyes slowly opened ..


A/n: the end!

I think I said this last time, about that new story? I think I will post it after I have finished this one or Kai's Family Problems first.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, cause I felt sad.. but that's just me.

See ya!

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