Concerts, fun and tradegy

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A/n: Hello ^^

This is the next chapter!


You know, I could just drag time from you, but I have a feeling you just want to continue read.

So, enjoy!!



Fifth day. Miwas turn to choose the activity. Bowling. So typical of him.

They had gone to a bowling alley nearby, but it was unfortunately closed. So they asked Shin if he knew of a bowling alley which is located in another town nearby.

He said yes and told the gang where it was.

They took a train and arrived after an hour.

But when they arrived, they find to their dismay that it was closed there too.

'' Oh, come on. '' Sighed Naoki and Kamui simultaneously.

'' What should we do now, then? '' Asked Misaki Miwa. He thought for a moment, but then he said,

'' Let's just do something fun and see where the world takes us! '' Said Miwa. Very heroic and dramatic.

Kai rolled his eyes at Miwa's dramatic statement. The others thought it was a good idea.

They played football, and Kai was surprisingly good. Then they went into a forest and Kamui got an insect in his throat. They walked around the town and Naoki fell into a fountain. They went to an ice cream kiosk and Aichi dropped his on the ground. They went to a park and Kai got lot of birds around him. One of them pooped in Miwas head .. And finally, they went to a cafe where a band would hold in a performance. They had taken lots of pictures, had great fun and now they would finish the day with a concert.

'' This will be fun. '' Said Kamui happily. He was very excited about his very first concert. The other's was quiet and talked about how the day has been. They would just walk across the road when a car came. The front tire exploded and the car flew sideways and rolled toward the youth's. They froze with fear as the car came closer and closer.

The man inside the car had fallen unconscious, due to the car being flipped.

Kai looked towards the car and then to his friends. He clenched his fists and took courage. And shouted with all his might;


He pushed away all of them, unfortunately, he couldn't push them away in time. He felt the car hit his body, and the male fell unconscious, and he could see darkness everywhere.

The youth's were flying in every different direction...



Miwas body aches, from different places. His vision was blurry, but he could see all his friends lying on the ground. But he couldnt see the person he wanted to see ..

He had known that something had pushed him, before the car hit them, but he did not know what or whom.

The last thing he heard and saw, therefore remember, was that people fell in panic and he heard the sound of a siren. He felt his eyes grew heavier and eventually closed.

'' Kai .. '' said the blonde before he became unconscious, as all the others ...


A/n: The end!

Uh, cliffhanger!

Sorry if this chapter was a little bit, rushed.. I was out of ideas, but I guess it was alright anyway..


See ya


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