Someone is missing

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A/N: Hello

This one may be a little late, but I hope you will enjoy it!


Misaki woke up. Her whole body ached when she tried to move. But in the end she managed to sit up.

'' Misaki?

Misaki looked where the voice came from.

'' Miwa ..? '' She replied and looked at the golden boy in the bed right over. She looked around and saw Kamui, Naoki and Aichi. They were all awake and sat up.

Misaki put her hand on her head and said: '' Uh, what happened? ''

Miwa put his head sideways as if he was thinking. Then he replied: '' I think we..''

He was interrupted by a doctor who came into the room together with Aichi's mother and sister and Misaki's uncle Shin.

'' I'm glad you .. '' began the doctor, but was interrupted by Aichi's mother, Shizuka who suddenly exclaimed.

'' How are you feeling Aichi? '' She said rather loudly and put her hand on his head.

'' I'm fine. '' Said Aichi and blushed.

'' Take it easy, Mrs. Sendou. Your son and the other only has a concussion and a sprained respective body part. '' Said the doctor. 'Which is actually quite strange.' he thought afterwards.

Throughout the conversation had Miwa looked around the room, it felt like he was missing something. Then it hit him. Kai's missing!

'' Sorry to bother .. '' began Miwa. The others' attention shifted to Miwa. '' Um, where's Kai? '' He said at last, and looked at the doctor. A shadow fell over the doctor's face while the other looked around, looking for the brunette.

'' Yes, where is he? '' Said Naoki. '' Why is he not with us? '' Everyone's attention went to the doctor.

The doctor breathed deeply for a moment of silence. '' How should I say this .. '' Miwas eyes grew big. Kai's not .. '' Your friend is .. '' said the doctor, but he was interrupted by Miwa. '' Do not tell me he's dead! '' Shouted Miwa of fear. ''No no! Your friend is not dead. '' Said the doctor. Miwa breathed out in relief.

'' What I meant to say was that your friend was not as lucky as you. '' He said. His voice was a little shaky. Miwa knew immediately that something was wrong.

'' Can we see him? '' Asked Aichi. The doctor looked down at the floor and said: '' Unfortunately, I can not let you see him in a while .. ''

''Why not?''

The Doctor inhaled deeply again. Then he said: '' Your friend is in... Coma. '' He said.

Everyone who was in the room fell into shock. Even Kamui. There was dead silence in the room until Aichi canceled it.

'' Co-coma? The doctor nodded. '' As I said, he was not as lucky as you. I promise you, if we had arrived a few minutes later he had not lived now. More can I not tell you.''

'' Miwa felt all his exuberance disappeared. Kai was in a coma? It could not be true.

'' When can we see him? '' Asked Misaki. Miwa looked up at her. He nodded a thank you to her. She nodded back. Then they turned their eyes towards the doctor. He scratched his neck. '' Not for a while. I am truly sorry. '' He said. It began beep in a device he had in one of the pockets. ''I must go. But I'll be back in a moment. '' he said and left the room.

'' How did it go? '' Asked a doctor. He had been waiting outside the room.

The doctor came out shaking his head. '' I tried to talk about their friend, Toshiki Kai. But I think it was too much for them. '' He said. '' You should have seen them. They were completely crushed. ''

'' It's understandable. '' Said the second doctor.

They both went away, leaving Miwa and the other sad and full of thoughts about their friend. If he was ok or not.


Two weeks have passed since Miwa and the other was involved in the car accident. They were released from the hospital about three days after, but they still had not seen Kai.

Miwa had more anxiety than the other and it just got worse and worse.

But now they had been told to see Kai. Miwa had almost fallen off the chair when the doctors had called.

They had gone to the hospital immediately after they had finished the conversation on the phone.

They walked up to the front desk and asked a young woman on the way to Kai's room. She had told and they went there. And now they stood outside a door with a sign that said: Toshiki Kai. Miwa was tacked to the floor. He could hardly breathe and he could not even think. Misaki opened the door with her shaking hands.

Inside the room was dark. The only sound was a beeping sound. After they had vänjt to the darkness, they could make out a few things, such as a television, a window that was sealed and a bed. Wait a bed?

They went up to the bed, and there lay Kai. But what they saw almost got their hearts to stopp..

A/n: and the end!

I hope you enjoyed it!    See ya  ^^

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