Chapter 9: Paaaaarty Time!!

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"Yeah. He's a handful." I breathed a laugh.

"You guys are so cute together." Abby gushed.

"Thanks." I laugh. "He's very-"

I was cut off by Wyatt jumping up out of the floor hatch that led down to the library. Abby and I screamed, but before Wyatt saw me, I ran into my closet and closed the door behind me.

"Where's my Ellebell?!" He squealed. " I wanna see how hot she looks."

"She jumped out the window and ran away with her magic unicorn." Abby scoffed.

I giggled at that, which wasn't my greatest idea because Wyatt heard me. He turned to the closet with a big smirk on his face. 

"Come out, come out, where ever you are. I know where you are, Ellebell." 

"No you don't." I giggled, pushing further into my closet.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Are you calling me a liar, babe?"

"Yes." I laughed.

He pulled at the closet door to see me hiding in the back of my closet on the floor. He reached down and grabbed me from around the waist.

"I've got you now, my pretty." He laughed evily. He started walking out of my room.

"Hey! Where are you going with her?" Abby questioned.

"I need a little action." Wyatt smirked. "I haven't had any all day." He whined.

I blushed at his comment and my stomach was doing flips. Wyatt pulled me down the hall and into his room, closing the door behind us, most likely to keep Abby out. He turned to look at me with a satisfied gaze. I blushed as his eyes looked me up and down. 

"You look so beautiful." He breathed, stepping toward me.

He engulfed me in a hug, kissing down my neck desperately.

"Geez, Wyatt." I laughed.

"I haven't seen, held, or kissed you all day." was his answer.

I brought my lips to his, biting at his lip. I reached my arms around his neck as his tongue searched for mine. He picked me up and my legs snaked around his waist. He walked us over to his bed, sitting down, so I was straddling him. When I ran out of breath, I pulled away, gasping as I searched for air to fill my lungs.

"That just made the waiting worth it." Wyatt grinned down at me.

"Hurry up you guys!" Zack's voice came from the hall. "We're leaving!!"

I jumped off Wyatt, afraid that a replay of James walking in on Wyatt and me would take place. Wyatt pulled me back to his chest and brought his lips to mine. Right on que, Zack opened the door.

"You hear me? I said-.... My eyes! My eyes! I've gone blind! I just witnessed my big brother making out with my best friend! That's so messed up!"

I pulled away from Wyatt. "Awwwh, does wittle Zachy want a kiss on the cheek?" I laughed, walking toward him.

"No! That's sooooo GROOOOOSS!" Zach said, warning me to back away.

I chased him down the hall and into the kitchen, where everyone was waiting. He cowarded behind Ian. I stopped dead when I saw him. He wore dark colored skinny jeans that hung low and a black tee with a black and purple stripped jacket over top. His black hair hung in his eyes and he had black DCs on his feet. He had a silver ring through his lip that shinned in the light with the smirk he wore on his lips. Though I couldn't see his eyes, I knew they held an amused glint.

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