Chapter 46

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The picture above is of Nicolas and Nicoles apartment.


2 weeks later..........

We moved to our apartment and today we go back to college. I am almost 2 months pregnant. The doctor said I have to be 4 months to know the gender but to be completely sure I have to be 5 months.

3 months later.....

I finally have bump in my belly. Like a big bump. I'm 5 months already and today we have a doctors appointment for an ultra sound. Also........we're having twins! Me and Nicolas have decided to not know the gender and let it be a surprise the day I give birth. But honestly I really can't wait to know. After today's appointment we're gonna decorate the baby's room.

"Mrs. Jones" The nurse calls me. I get up and Nicolas follows behind me. I lay down and pull up my shirt and the doctor puts on the cold jelly thingy. She moves the thingy that I don't know what it's called in a circular motion.

"There's your babies" she says pointing to the screen. Me and Nicolas look at it and when I turn to look at Nicolas his eyes sparkle and become teary. Every time we come here for a check up his eyes always sparkle when he sees the babies and his eyes get watery. I turn to look back at the screen and a tear strokes down my cheek. I can feel that my eyes also lit up every time I see my babies in the screen.

"Oh look at that" the doctor says. One of them it's waiving. Oh my god. Our baby its waiving at us. How is that...
"Is it waving?" Nicolas asks.
"Yes. I think he or she saw the light and just..........waved" the doctor laughs. It's so funny because he's not waving like a normal person would. He's palm was facing the wrong way.
"Would you like a picture?" She asks. We nod and she gives the picture to us. We've been asking for a picture every time we come. "Would you like to know the genders?"
"We want it to be a surprise" I say with a smile. She nods and hands me a tissue to clean my belly.

Me and Nicolas drive to the store and decide to get all the baby stuff white and put it in our room. And when we know the gender we're gonna do the room. So if we do this we won't spent so much money.

We buy everything and when we get home we place all the stuff in our room. When we're done we watch a movie in the living room eating ice cream. Nicolas eating a bowl of ice cream and I'm eating 2 bowls of ice cream with oreos. Yummy.

Next day........

Oh no. I get up from the bed and run to the bathroom to vomit. I hate morning sickness. Nicolas comes from behind and grabs my hair and moves the rest from my face placing it behind my ears. I flush the toilet and sit on it. Nicolas wipes my mouth with a piece of paper as he squats down in front of me. "Thanks" I sigh.
"Are you okay?" He grabs my tooth brush and puts tooth paste on it and hands it to me. I nod and brush my teeth. He smiles and pats my thigh and gets up and starts to brush his teeth also.

We go downstairs to eat breakfast. Nicolas says he's gonna cook today. I tell him to cook chocolate chip pancakes. When the food is ready I grab the vanilla ice cream and place 2 scoops on top of the pancakes and syrup on top. Nicolas chuckles and eats his pancakes. I ignore his chuckle and start to devour my food.

Today we don't have class so me and Nicolas decide to watch Netflix the whole day. It's already midnight and me and Nicolas are still watching movies until the cravings kick in.
"Are you serious? It's midnight. Are you gonna make me go out and buy you food?"
I pout and nod. He sighs and smirks and gets up.
"Fine. Text me what you want me to buy" he grabs his keys and opens the door and leaves. 3 minutes later I get my phone out and text him.

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