Chapter 38

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I open the black box and there's a beautiful... no.....gorgeous necklace. It's a heart with a diamond inside (Picture above). As soon as I open is I gasp and say "Oh my god. Nicolas... its beautiful. Thank you! " I say as I pull him to a hug.
"No problem. Want me to put it on?"
"We're about to go to sleep"
"Let's just see how it looks yeah?"
I nod and I give him the necklace and I pull my hair up with my hands and he puts it on. I let my hair down and stand up to look at the mirror.
"It's beautiful" I say as I stare at it.
"You made it more beautiful" Nicolas says as he stands up and puts his hands on my hips and kisses my neck. I turn around and softly peck his lips.

"My turn now" I say as I head to the drawers and take out his present. I hand it to him and he opens it. He quickly looks over at me and smiles from ear to ear.
"Nicole...this is...thank you" he says as he takes his watch out of the box.
"Let me put it on" he gives me the watch and stares at me as I put it on.
"Thank you" he says as he still stares at me as I rise my head to look at him.


Today is the day when seniors are staring to apply to college. Me and Nicolas have agreed on a few colleges we both want to attend to. Some schools have also offered scholarships for me and Nicolas too and luckily almost all of them are from the same school.

I get in the building after parking and everyone's talking about college. I'm a little nervous like other seniors are. Nicolas on the other hand is very nervous considering he never has taken school stuff seriously.

After school...

After school me and Nicolas apply to a bunch of colleges on the internet. After we're done applying we decide to go out to get the stress out. We decide to go to the closest ice cream shop.

When we get there we order our ice cream. I order a cone with 2 scoops. The bottom scoop will be peanut butter and the top is chocolate. Nicolas also orders 2 scoops. Bottom flavor is coffee and the top is chocolate.

We walk out of the store after paying and we walk around for about 6 minutes. Suddenly Nicolas sighs angrily. Is he mad about something?

"What's wrong?" I ask as I stop walking and grab his arms so that he stops walking too.
"I'm fucking tired of this"
"Tired of what?"
"That everywhere we go , guys are always checking you out!" He says as he sighs and puts his hand on his hips and runs his fingers through his hair.
"Nicolas - " when I'm about to reply Nicolas cuts me off and says.
"Nigga stop looking at her!" Nicolas says to a guy as he passes by.
"What? What?"
"Stop with your jealousy. I don't get that jealous when I see girls drool over you" I say in an annoyed tone.
"Okay look I'm sorry. I just hate that guys look at you. I wish I could just hide you behind me everyday" he says as he cups my cheeks with his large hands.
"It's okay babe" I say as I take his hands off my cheek and hold the right one as we start walking.

7 months and 3 weeks later .....

So it's the last month of school. We only have 1 more week until summer vacation. Today is Wednesday and on Friday we have prom. I'm so nervous. Part of me being nervous is that Nicolas hasn't asked me to the dance yet.

Nicolas POV

"Ughh!" I say as I lay back on my bed. I've thinking so hard about the perfect way to ask Nicole to prom. My friends have given me ideas but they're not good enough.

1 hour later.....

After think for a straight up 1 hour. I already know how I'm gonna as her to prom. It's not perfect but I saw this quote that said
'Don't wait for the perfect moment , make the moment perfect'
So I'll obey that quote.

Nicole POV

When I get to school I don't see Nicolas so I just go to my locker and as I'm walking I see Nicolas with a big cardboard that says "Will you to prom with....." and after 'with' there's a arrow pointing at him. I smile and I walk up to him and hug him and say "Yes". As soon as I said that rose petals fall from the stairs and people around us clap and cheer. I look up and I see Nicolas friends throwing the petals at us.

This is just amazing! I'm so happy.
We pull away and he grabs my face from the sides and pulls me close and kisses me and I obviously kiss back.

After school....

After school me and Maddy to go to buy our dress.
"Oh my gosh! I am trying this one on!" Maddy says as she grabs a gorgeous looking dress. I laugh and as she goes in the dressing room I look around for a dress for me.

I walk and walk but I can't be find one. I sigh and when I'm about to go back to Maddy I spot a dress on the corner , it looks lonely and abandoned so I decide that this is the dress for me.

I take the dress and go to the dressing room. I try it on and look at the mirror. Yup this is the one.

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