And most of all, he'd be with Josh again.

Joshua Marson. Even after all these years, it seemed that he still couldn't get him out of his head. He'd been chatting, calling and e-mailing with his friends there over the past few years, but he hadn't actually seen them ever since he had left. Only through photos had he seen their faces.

"So... We're moving back," he said softly, feeling almost overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions.

The more he thought about it, the happier it actually made him. Minnesota was great, and the friends he had made here were also great. But he had always felt like such an outcast here. He would never be a big city boy, he had realized this a long time ago.

Moving back, meant he could be rekindling all his bonds with his friends again, and especially Josh.

Somehow, a smile found it's way on Carter's face and he looked outside the window. Moving back to Port Hayland would most certainly be a very big event for him, and even though he was a little nervous to see how everything had changed over there, he was also eager to see what had become of Josh and his friends, and how his return would change the current events.


It was still early in the morning as Carter walked outside with his parents. The car had already been parked right in front of the porch, the sunlight shining down on it in golden reflections.

The weather was pleasantly warm and soft since it was still so early. The morning sky was baby blue, merging with the the lightest yellow of the sun and only a few clouds were drifting high up.

After he had thrown his suitcase into the trunk, Carter gave one last glance at the house and the street. He wasn't sure when the next time would be that he would see it, but he did know that he wouldn't see it for quite some time anymore. So much history and so much memories were stored away in that house, and in this street. This entire town was filled with so many precious memories, and he was eternally grateful that he'd always be able to keep them with him.

Carter stepped into the car and as his parents got seated as well, the car took off and Carter looked through the back window. As the house became more distant and smaller, he almost felt the urge to cry a little, but held it back.

Of course he was emotional; this was going to be the beginning of an entire new chapter in his life, and as much as he was prepared to face it, it was still a little scary sometimes.

As they drove downhill, Carter looked out of the front window and watched as they came closer to the shore. The sea reflected the sunlight with countless of sparkles that decorated the navy blue, and he thought that the sight was, as always, absolutely beautiful.

"Be sure to call us everyday," Carter's mother said, pulling him out of his daze.

"Of course," Carter responded. "I'll keep you guys updated, and I'll let you know as soon as the plans may somehow change."

Carter could tell that his father was driving the car a bit slower than usual, and he didn't blame him for doing so. This would also be the last time he'd see them for a long time.

As they reached the docks, and the car came to a stop, there was a moment of silence and nobody moved from their seats.

"Alright, we're here," Mr. Raymore said, letting out a deep breath.

"Yeah..." Carter said, looking at the boats attached to the docks, and also seeing Josh's sailing boat. The canvas had been lifted up and he could also see Alyssa, Paxton, Chris and Melanie already standing at the docks.

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