Chapter 9

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6 years ago

8 months before

"So, in order for there to be sexual intercourse, the penis needs to enter the vagina," the teacher, Mrs. Peters said as a cartoon was shown on the whiteboard of two people having apparent intercourse.

Around the classroom, either the sounds of suppressed laughter or suppressed disgust was heard. Though Carter was simply paying attention to the screen and the lesson. Should he feel something? He felt like he should, but he didn't. He had noticed this for a long time now. The fact that he couldn't look at girls the way he should had been bothering him for quite a while now. He had been thinking about it ever since he discovered the true meaning of being gay. He by now knew the concept of being gay very well, and had thought about it deeply as well.

So what bothered Carter about these things was why they kept giving information about people of the opposite gender having sex, but no information at all about people with the same gender having sex. How do two men have sex? How do two women have sex? Carter wondered why nobody told them about those subjects, as if being gay was an extremely rare thing.

The rest of the hour they were being informed about all sorts of condoms and birth control. It was then that Carter first started to realize that he was not interested in girls. The thing that gave it away? The fact that he was a lot more intrigued by the picture of the naked man and even curious about what it would feel like to touch another male's body.

He carefully glanced at Josh who was sitting next to him from the corners of his eyes and saw him slightly narrowing his eyes at the pictures of the naked man and woman, and he wondered if maybe he was thinking the same as him.

He then saw Josh ripping a small piece of paper from his notebook and scribbled something on it before passing it to Carter.

"When do you think you're going to have sex with a woman?" Carter read.

He flipped the piece of paper over and grabbed his pen to write a reply.

"I don't know. I don't think I ever will, honestly."

A few moments later, Carter received a reply on a new piece of ripped paper.


Carter wasn't entirely sure how to answer that question. Because he didn't think he was attracted to girls? Because it seemed more appealing to him to be with another man instead of being with a woman? He wasn't entirely sure himself.

"Because I don't think I want to."

He was satisfied enough with that answer and gave it back to Josh, not receiving an answer to that.


Carter had probably spent a good ten minutes brushing his teeth and grooming himself before he was finally ready to go the the bus stop. He was, needless to say, quite nervous for his first school day as a Senior back in his hometown. He also had a good time in Minnesota, and also missed his friends there, but he had never been a city boy. He prefered the quiet, beautiful surroundings of Port Hayland and the busier but still peaceful town of Hayland.

He gave a yawn and readjusted the strap of his backpack around his shoulder as he waited for the bus. He had probably come too early. He was afraid he'd miss the bus and be late for his first day of school so arrived earlier than usual.

And like always, he kept fussing over what to wear, eventually settling with a white t-shirt and some jeans with sneakers. He had probably also packed too much in his backpack, just to be sure he had everything he'd need.

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