Chapter 39

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"Alyssa Livingston!"

Applause was heard all around, with a few cheers from her friends and family. Carter clapped along and watched the girl walk up the podium. Her blonde, wavy hair bouncing in shiny golden locks on her back as she went, before she accepted the certificate from the principal.

The weather was hot, and the graduation robes made it a little unbearable, but he managed. It was mostly the idea of wearing actual graduation robes, because he was graduating, that stopped him from taking them off.

Alyssa waved at the people cheering her on as she walked off the stage again, and Carter looked at the students going up to receive their graduation certificate when their names were being called.

"Paxton Laster!"

Of course, Paxton rushed into the stage while doing a crazy dance, causing all the students who were still waiting for their name to be called to burst out laughing. Carter grinned at the sight as well and he could almost feel Alyssa roll her eyes at him from the crowd with the families of the students and the students who had already received their certificate.

Chris, Melanie and Josh were besides Carter, watching everything from the side of the stage. He liked how everyone was in such a good mood, and so was he. The sun was shining brightly in a cloudless, light blue sky. The stage was set up at the sports field, along with rows of chairs spreading out almost entirely across the field. Somewhere, Carter was a little nervous about having to walk up the stage, and having all those people watch him.

"Joshua Marson!"

Carter looked at the blond after his name was called. Chris patted him on his back and Melanie clapped before he walked up the stage. It was good to see him so happy again. He seemed healthier, the bruises were gone, the wounds were healed and so was his broken collarbone. The past few months have not been the easiest for him, having to live completely on his own now, and barely seeing his father again, but he was clearly a lot happier and more at peace with himself now.

Josh accepted the certificate, a smile plastered on his face, before walking off the stage and accepting a hug from Alyssa.

"This is the part that really sucks about graduation ceremonies. They always have do it in alphabetical order. The students whose last name starts with a letter at the end of the alphabet always have to wait for so long," Chris said, his arm draped over Melanie's shoulders.

"You're just bitter because always one of the very last," Melanie said with an airy chuckle. "But I feel your pain."

"I usually don't mind, honestly," Carter said, "and I also wouldn't have minded this time if it wasn't for the unbearable heat in these robes.

He saw Josh and Alyssa sitting down at one of the chairs as well, looking back at him and Chris and Melanie. As he looked at them, he could almost see their younger selves again. Carter recalled the time that he participated in one of the plays at Middle School, and how Alyssa and Josh came to watch the play and cheer him on, even though they didn't have to. They were also sitting next to each other, just like that. Josh's hair a lot longer and Alyssa's a lot shorter. Even back then, their classmates used to think that they had a crush on each other.

"Carter Raymore!"

Carter looked up when his name was being called out. Chris's hand patting his shoulder this time as an encouragement to go.

He gave his friends one last glance before approaching the stage. He walked up the small steps and was welcomed with the friendly smile of his principal. He gave him a firm handshake before Carter accepted the certificate from one of the teachers sitting at a desk where a small stack of the remaining certificates was placed. It felt almost surreal to hold it in his hands, and seeing how his name was written on it.

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