"Take one? What do you mean, I don't have anything."

A bright flash made me jump and cover my face. Daz laughed a pulled a piece of paper out of the camera. He waited looking at it and smiled.

"I look a picture of you." He passed me the paper and sure enough, I could see myself!

"Wow!" I laughed, "Do it again!"

"It would look better if we took it outside then you would look a little clearer." Daz said as I looked at the dark photo of myself. I followed him outside and Daz made me sit on a rock where the tress made a nice background and the sun shone down on me.

"Alright, smile." He grinned.

I smiled and waited for the flash thing to go off. Daz took the picture and came to sit by me to look at it.

"It's so cool!" I laughed looking at the picture of me smiling. "So much faster than having your picture painted."

"It is very fast; humans have the most interesting things." Daz commented smiling at the picture of me.

"Can I take one of you?" I asked.

Daz thought for a moment before nodding and explained how the 'camera' worked. I took a few steps back and told him to smile like he said to me when he was taking my picture. Daz looked at the camera, a hint of a smile on his lips as he showed off his good looks and body of a God. I pressed the button Daz told me to and watched as the picture came out of the bottom of the camera so I could grab it.

Daz looked so handsome and strong in the picture, and so mysterious too. But that's what most Merpeople looked like to humans, very alluring. That's why old stories Mum used to tell me about sailors who drowned because they saw mermaids on the rocks. He said in the human world stories were told there, stories of how the Merpeople used to sing for the men who would crash their ships into the rocks or jump overboard to swim to the mermaids. Daddy confirmed it and said a group of bad Merpeople who were outcasts used to do it to steal the sailor's things and that's why humans who believe in Merpeople think they're bad. That's how Daz looked to me in the picture, so alluring and beautiful. This dark stormy eyes and jet black hair complimented his tan skin.

"Come on then, let me see it." Daz called as I hurried over and handed him the picture.

"I like yours better." He smiled, putting the one of him behind my picture.

"But I like yours better." I said taking the picture from the back and putting it at the front.

"How about I keep yours and you keep mine?"

"Okay, but what about one of the both of us?" I asked stretching the camera out in front of us.

"Let me take it, I have longer arms." Daz said taking the camera from me and pulling me into his side.

We took some pictures smiling before Daz pulled me into his lap and took 2 more kissing my cheek. He tickled me making me squirm and laugh – those pictures came out blurry. We took more using the human things as props and had so much fun. The camera stopped working after a while and wouldn't take any more pictures. Daz said it was because the paper like material inside had run out so there was nothing for the picture to be printed onto. We went back into the cave and found a diary in perfect condition. Daz said it belonged to the mother of the family who owned the camera. He had read some of her dairy and it said they were on a boat that travelled around to different countries for a holiday.

Daz let me take it home so I could read it and also split the pictures of us with me so we both had half each. Daz also gave the hairbrush that belonged to the little girl and said I'd get more use out of it that he would.

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