.:Chapter 6:.

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I was working out to a dvd on the tv as the dorm door opened and in came the packed. I gave them a glance then was paying attention to the tv.

"Where are Kelly and Brandon?" Alan asked.

"Couch." I said, as I spun in time with the people on tv. 

The two children had started the workout with me but then they had passed out on the couch. Sweat was on my body and I had a little pant.

"Aren't you tired Alpha." Tanner asked, worried.

"No." I said. Ali pat him and shook her head.

"How long was he doing it?" She asked. I looked at her then at the tv.

"Two years." I said.

"Together?" Ali asked.

"Three years." I answered. I heard her grunt and grind her teeth.

"Do you think she'll come?" She asked.

"Most likely." I said. I smelt the air and a growl came from my throat.

"She's here." I said. I stopped working out and headed for my room and straight in to the shower.

I got out an hour later and was dressed in a simple pair of jean shorts, tank top, and flip flops. I let my hair go and let it air dry.

"We have shopping to do." I said.

"Yay." kelly shouted.

Brandon yawned and walked over to me. The eight of us moved out of the room and down the stairs to the main floor and who should we run into but Megan, Chase was with her and they looked to be arguing. To put icing on the cake Jace was leaning against the lockers board, he only gave that look when someone failed to flirt the right way with him. I yawned and Jace looked over at me, I walked closer.

"I'm coming to this school and that's final." Megan was saying. The blond alpha who I had yet to learn the name of didn't look happy with that.

"What makes you think we want a pregnant girl here besides your not like us and never will be." She said.

She and her friends laughed and I snickered. Chase looked over at me and his eyes widened, which made Megan look over at me. I put my hands in my pockets and walked passed them the blond girl and her clones moved out of my way their heads down.

"Where are you going, Lily?" Jace asked.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"Wait Lily Black?" Megan asked. I turned my head a little to look at her.

"Ya what's it to you?" I asked.

"You spreaded rumors about me you dumb skank." She shouted at me. She made a move to come at me, but Tanner got in her way.

"They're not rumors if they're true, but I guess you wouldn't know that the truth was." I said. She glared at me and tried to walk around Tanner and Alan stepped out next.

"You won't be able to get to me dear so you should stop trying, even if you could get passed them you've be leaving with something broken." I said.

I turned my head and continued walking, Tanner and Alan followed with the rest but kept an eye on her.

"You okay?" Ali asked, as we got into the triplets huge truck.

"You realize who's a friend and who's not when the time comes." I said, looking out the window.

Brandon and Kelly were putting random things in the cart that we didn't need, so when they were not looking I'd take it out and put it back. Alan came back with things we did need and as well as Jake.

"Lily." Brandon said. I looked down at him he was holding ice cream up at me, Kelly had popsicles in front of her. I sighed and nodded to the cart, grins broke over their faces and they put them in.

"You have a serious soft spot for those two." Ali said. She had fruit in her hands and behind her tanner had veggies. Lance came back with milk and other drinks.

"And we're done." He said, with his goofy grin.

I turned the cart around headed for the front of the store, our little herd following me. The cashier looked at us with wide eyes, I guess I forgot to mention we had 3 carts full of food. The guys put what they could on the belt of the cash register, as the food got rung up Tanner and Alan bagged everything and put them back in the carts. I stood in front of the girl waiting to pay her, by the time it was all done she looked tired.

"Brandon, Kelly put the candy down." I said, before they could put the items on the belt.

They groaned and put them back and went and stood beside Ali, I handed the card to the girl and smiled. She rung up the items with the credit card the school gave me for food for the pack.

We headed out of the store to load up the back of the truck with food, before heading home. It took four trips to get everything up to our room and took an hour to get everything were it needed to go. I got Brandon and Kelly in to bed then I got ready myself. Tomorrow was going to be interesting I could feel it. With that thought I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

And Then Bad Boy Fell For The Bad Girl .:Edited:.Where stories live. Discover now