That shut us up wonderfully.

Two cups of coffee later, Vada sat there fuming at us. We hadn't let her have her evening nap. I blame the hulk on the opposite side of the table from me. Caden started discussing the implementation of his plan. To put it simply, It sucked. It had too much grey area and I was confused as to what to do. It didn't make sense. I didn't know what I was to do for like 50% of the plan.

His plan was more like do what feels right and hope for the best.

So, I started to throw ideas. Making it more specific. Like how I needed backup at all times. Where things could go wrong. What to do in any situation/outcome. Caden kept disagreeing with my perfect plan. Changing it in stupid ways saying too many details would confuse everyone. What a moron.

The plan altered by the minute. It would suddenly take a 180 and change into a whole new idea. This was all due to the difference of opinion between me and Caden. Me not accepting his moronic ideas. Caden disagreeing with my tactical details.
Vada sat there looked back and forth between us with a dumbfounded expression.

"I can describe the plan to you, but I can't understand it for you." I don't think there has ever been an Alpha as stubborn as this dude in all of history.

"No, you're right let's do this the dumbest way possible because that way it would be easier for you to comprehend."

"Well aren't you a little ray of disrespect." By disrespect I meant little bitch.

"I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter."

"See this is the reason why they say women don't work as hard as men. It's because they do it properly the first time and don't end up regretting their senseless ideas later."

"I don't have the time nor the crayons to explain this to you, Lina." This stubborn piece of shit was going to get me killed.

Vada sat there rubbing her temples at us while we barked at each other. Probably wondering why she was stuck with us and how she could run away.

Deon on the other hand was currently on the dissenter's trail. Following his every move. Trying to find a good time for us to execute our plan. We were waiting for his green light while we created a plan.

These people took procrastination to the next level.

"I know what I'm doing Lina. I've been dealing with people like these for as long as I can remember. I know a good plan when I see one. Yours is too specific. The thing about plans is that they will never go the way you expect them so sit down and let the experts handle this." He then turned away and discussed his idea with Vada, once again ignoring my ass.

"I'm the one about to die! You want me to put my life in your dumbass hands?!"

I didn't notice my voice growing louder by the second.

He shushed me dismissingly before muttering, "Wait for your turn. The adults are talking."

Guess who felt like a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

I let known to exit my apartment, go down the elevator and into the lobby at the exact same time the dissenter was to be there. He would surely see me. If I were a suspect in his eyes, he would confidently follow. That was my cue to be quick and walk into the street. The rest was on Caden's team to do their job right.

Ringing filled the air. It was Caden's phone. Was this the green light?

I literally felt my heart want to leap out of my throat.

When Caden picked up his phone I noticed it said baby chinchilla. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry then. "Deon? He's headed here? Ok, thanks man." He hung up before nodding for me to get up.

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