What Greek God are you?

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Q 1. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
A. Electricity
B. Water powers
C. Darkness/ or raise the dead
D. Super strength
E. Fire
F. Healing
G. Speed
H. To change anyone's mood

Q 2. Choose a weapon.....
A. My powers! Duh!
B. A trident
C. Sword
D. A spear
E. A hammer
F. Bow & Arrow
G. Smarts
H. Knife

Q 3. If you could be at any of these places right now, where would it be?
A. On a mountain top, overlooking a small village
B. At the beach
C. In the cemetery/ or a creepy alley
D. On the couch watching a movie
E. In the garage building something
F. In the car
G. On a plane
H. At a party

Q 4. Choose an elective....
A. Weather science
B. Biology
C. Drama
D. Weight training
E. Home ect.
F. Health
H. architecture

Q 5. Which hobby do you/ or think you would enjoy the most?
A. Chess
B. Swim
C. Murder
D. Wrestling
E. Building stuff
F. Poetry, archery, or driving
G. Running, or photography
H. Drinking

Q 6. Say you had only these job options. Which would you choose?
A. President or senator
B. Fisherman or marine biologist
C. Grave digger
D. Marine or pro athlete
E. Craftsman
F. Poet, or doctor
G. Mailman, or runner
H. Bar tender

Q 7. Which is your best quality?
A. Powerful
B. Gentle
C. Rich
D. Strong
E. Skilled
F. My "amazing" looks
G. Intelligence
H. Fun

Q 8. What is your worst quality?
A. Power-hungry
B. Greedy
C. Dull
D. Arrogant
E. My looks
F. What worse qualities?
G. Other
H. Crazy

Q 9. Which movie sounds the most interesting?
A. Thunder rolls
B. Riptide
C. It's coming for you
D. The forever wars
E. Movies? I hate movies
F. William Shakespeare: The life of an author
G. Two snakes and a big fat tree
H. Party on

Q 10. Prom time! Seven different girls ask you. Who do you choose?
A. The rich girl
B. The reckless head girl
C. An emo/goth kid
D. A really girly popular kid
E. No one. I don't really like to go on dates
F. Champion of the girls wrestling team
G. The smart girl that every nerd likes
H. The crazy stalker girl

Q 11. Which of the following is your favorite Disney movie?
A. Hercules
B. I hate Disney movies!
C. Maleficent
D. Haven't seen any of the following.
E. Snow White and the 7 dwarfs
F. Cinderella
G. Million dollar arm
H. Chicken Little

Q 12. What planet would you go to for vacation?
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Pluto
D. Venus
E. Saturn
F. Forget planets, let's go to the sun!
G. Mercury
H, Let's have a party on Uranus, yes, that sounds like a GREAT place to have a party.

Q 13. You get to pick the arena for the hunger games. What is it?
A. The ruins of a buried city.
B. I've never seen or watched the Hunger Games
C. On a mountain
D. In the desert
E. Freezing cold
F. In the forest
G. Rain forest
H. I'm not sure

Q 14. What sport are you going to do?
A. Baseball or softball
B. Swim
C. Hockey
D. Football
E. Basketball
F. Archery, gymnastics or dance
G. Chess! Is that a sport?
H. Kickball or ping pong

Q 15. Who is your favorite super hero?
A. Superman or Thor
B. Aqua man
C. Batman
D. Captain America
E. Iron man
F. Spider-Man
G. The Flash
H. Wonder Woman

Q 16. What animal is your favorite?
A. The eagle
B. The dolphin or fish
C. Black cats or bats
D. Bears or gorillas
E. Elephants or Vulcans
F. Armadillos
G. Cheetahs or orangutans
H. Tuscans

If you got mostly....
A's- you're Zeus
B's- you're Poseidon
C's-you're Hades
D's- you're Ares
E's your Hephaestus
F's- you're Apollo
G's- you're Hermes
H's-you're Dionysus

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