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Lanasia Ramya Williams was born on January 4, exactly 3 weeks from today, her actual due date. Remembering that day like it was yesterday. Nobody can explain how happy I was to have my baby girl.

"Hey, grandma baby " mama came picking her up "so how Is everything? " she asked

"Going good, he comes to see her every day, give me money for her then leave, if it's not about her than we don't talk at all, Sierra got him wrapped around her finger," I said

" because she said she was pregnant, so he been stressing out lately, it's always something with that girl, "mama said, I kind of figured she was gone try to end up pregnant, ever since the little Get together thing

"Well that's on him, everything he did coming to bite him right in the ass "I was right, all the hurt and pain he put me through, nobody gonna never treat him like me.
I'm kind of happy Shawn came back into my life. I wouldn't have been mad about profit having another baby, or hurt at all, when I'm with Shawn I feel at peace, completely.

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