Chapter 9- Good Morning

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Angel's POV

I was awoken by the sun shining through the whit curtains of our beach house. I have to admit, Rainia had picked a really nice one.

I grabbed a tank top and jean shorts and went to take a shower.

When I stepped out of the shower I wiped the condensation off the mirror. I almost gasped, I guess I am still not used to my blue eyes.

Before I went downstairs, I sent Luke another text.


Angel- I'll lead you through the waves


I skipped over to the stairs and slid down the banister. I know, I am still a child at heart.

"Well someone's happy this morning" Katarina mused.

"Yup" I said, popping the P.

We all laughed. Alexia had her IPhone hooked up to her speakers while she cooked breakfast. Get your shine on by Florida Georgia  Line came on. We all sang along because it was one of our favorites.

You know I love it when you get your shine on, you and me be rocking all night long, summer sky dripping rhinestones, turn your party lights on, baby get your shine on.

Then we heard someone knocking on the door.

"I'll get it" I said.

Standing on our doorstep was Luke, looking slightly dazed.

" Rainia, we have a problem."


Ooh! What's gonna happen next?? On the side is the song mentioned in the chapter- Get Your Shine on by FGL. One of my faves :)

Xoxo, Maddie

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