Chapter 3-Hinting

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Angel's P.O.V

As I sat in my room, I decided to look through the few belongings I brought from my old home. They sat underneath my clothes in the bottom of my drawer. I spotted my old cell phone and sat on my bed. As I scrolled through the old text messages between me and Luke, I felt a pang of sadness. It finally dawned on me how much I really missed him.

Maybe he didn't forget about me after all. There was only one way to find out. I came up with a plan in my head. As a siren, we have this one song we sing, and it seems to hypnotize the boys we sing it to.

My plan was to send him pieces of the song. A little more every day.

Here goes nothing.

Angel- Come now


Luke's P.O.V.

I woke to the sound of my cell ringing. I had a text message, from Angel?

My hands shook as I opened it. There were only two words.


Angel- Come now

Luke- Come where Angel?? Where are you?


I sat by my phone for what seemed like hours, but there was no reply. I went downstairs and made myself some dinner, but I couldn't bring myself to eat it. There was something familiar about the words. He felt like he had heard them before, but couldn't think of where.

I threw my dinner in the trash. I wasn't hungry, and my parents were off on another business trip, as usual.

There was nothing else to do, so I just went back to bed.

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