It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (17)

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I could hear the faint sound of talking coming from the other room but I didn't have the energy to even open my eyelids. I hate the morning after, it sucks. It sucks even more when you remember that people are out to kill you.

Groaning, I threw the sheets off of me and swung my legs out of the bed. I went to glance at the clock on the side table to check the time and noticed that someone had left me a glass of water and two painkillers there. Ah, my amazingly sweet boyfriend.

I took them quickly, noticing that the time was past midday! I needed to get to the bus quickly before the boys kicked my ass! I jumped up and headed out of the bedroom, only to be greeted by a room full of guys. Oh God. And I was still wearing last nights clothes. I vaguely remember falling asleep crying, too, so I will have had make up smudged all down my face.

I groaned as I waved at the guys. “Hey...oh man, this is so embarrassing. Can you guys wait a sec while I get changed?” I asked, thinking for a second. Shit! I was wearing the clothes that I brought for today. Man, this sucks.

Jack seemed to notice my dilemma because he threw a shirt and skinny jeans at me.

“I knew you wouldn't have any clothes so I called Alex and asked him to bring some up. The douche couldn't find yours, though, so he brought you some of mine. Better than nothing, right?” He smiled gently at me, the fact that it didn't reach his eyes reminded me of last night. Oh. I guess all the boys know now, too.

“, won't be a sec.” I said as I dashed into the bathroom. Just before I closed the door I heard someone mutter 'Wow...she it was that bad, huh?'. Oh, just wonderful. I couldn't really flip out, though, because when I looked in the mirror I realised just how right the voice was.

My hair was all over the place and my make up looked more like a panda face paint. It was horrible. The tear streaks from last night were clearly visible and my eyes were puffy. Oh man.

I quickly showered and dried myself, jumping out and brushing my hair. I added light make-up and pulled on the skinny jeans, only to find they were way too big! I couldn't wear these. I dug out the shorts that I brought to sleep in and wore those instead, they were just purple All Time Low booty shorts and would do until we got back to the bus. I pulled Jack's shirt over my head and it almost covered the shorts, it was a white Glamour Kills 'Eat. Sleep. Blog. Repeat.” shirt with pink writing and the sleeves cut off. I loved it. Hm, I might have to steal this one!

After giving myself a final once over in the mirror, I was convinced I looked okay enough to go and see the boys. My eyes were still slightly puffy but hey, not much I could do about that.

Sighing, I opened the door and smiled at the boys awaiting me. They were all engrossed in mindless chatter with each other so I headed to the kitchen to make myself a hot drink. As I was, I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind and Jack kiss me on my neck.

“You look so damn sexy in my clothes, Hannah. Not as sexy as they'd look on my bedroom floor, though...”

I giggled and turned in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck.

“Morning, Jackamus.” I kissed him on the lips, my hot drink totally forgotten as he pulled me closer to him. I let my hands tug on his hair as I bit down on his lip gently, deepening the kiss. I wanted this kiss to last forever. No, not just because it made me feel amazing and my body scream with passion, but because it also meant that I could put off facing everyone else.

My plan was ruined, though, when I heard Alex exclaim from behind us.

“Dude! Jack! I know she's having a hard time, but what did I say about kissing my sister in front of me! Dude, please.”

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now