(16) TaintedRain

133 9 0

Hiiii :D

So how's it all going , huh ?!....... now I know you all must be angry and stuff that I have'nt uploaded in so many months . SO , I am sorry ^_^ , please? :D 

So back to business . This interview is of - TaintedRain , you all know her , yah right ? :) 

She has written books such as Empathy , The Gate , Faking Deliquency and Skinny . 

So let's start with the interview now :D ! :)

1. Tell the readers something about yourself . 

Something about myself? I really don't like sharing my writing as much as people might think. When someone I actually know is reading my stuff, I freak out. My mom found something of mine once and started reading it out loud. I let out a bloody murder cry, ran over to her, and ripped it out of her hand before crumbling it into a ball and throwing it into the trash. Yeah.

2. What gave you the idea to start writing here , on Wattpad ?

- Someone from school forced me to join, and I was already on FanFiction, so I was like, "Why not?"

3. What is the best childhood memory of any book that you have read ?

- That I've read? The BFG. Ha, it was like my favorite book and my mom actually forbade me from reading it for book projects after a while. Apparently I needed to broaden my horizons.

4. Any of your books here on Wattpad that really define you ro tell something or the other about you ? 

Well, Brianne from IASWAA ended up turning a lot like me. My friend snuck on and read it this past week and kept pointing things out about her that were just like me.

That's her book's cover to the right ===>

5. You have so many fans/followers here , any kind of a message you would like to give them ?

- I'm sorry for leaving for 11 days without updating everything first! I was smacking myself for it! And sorry (except not really) for spamming you all the time.

6. What do you do when you suffer from ''writers block'' ?

- I start a new story, story plan, make trailers, make covers, and avoid the story for a little while.

7. Your favourite author and some of those you would like to work with ? 

My favorite author on here is ella_enchanted! Off wattpad it's Cassandra Clare. Authors I would like to work with? Hm, MemoryLane obviously, and LilyAvenue. We're all alike, ha.

8. What do you do in your free time except writing and reading ?

- I edit photos and make trailers. I also watch movies. Living life on the edge, you know?

Soww that's it bro ! :D

Hope you enjoyed it until then vote and comment ^_^

Interview with the  Wattpadians. [ Part one ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum