(9) ToastedBagels

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So yeah , I am really sorry for no imterviews for so many days and FYI I am back with a new one :')

So you all must know her really well - @ToastedBagels . She is one of the fine writers here and almost half of the readers on Wattpad are reading her stories ^_^ ..... so here we go ! 

Thanks Kate ! xx

1. Tell the readers something about yourself.

- I am painfully shy.

2. What gave yout the idea to start writing here , on Wattpad ? 

-   I used to have an account on Quizilla (I was just a reader there), but once everyone started moving to Wattpad, I followed along. And eventually I worked up the nerve to post my work.

3. What is the best chilhood memory of any book that you have read ?

- Harry Potter! I have so many memories of reading all the books.

4. Any of your books here on Wattpad that really define you or tell something or the other about you ?

- I think all my books say a lot about me. Lots of the main characters in my stories are very much like me, and they've got a lot of my hopes and dreams and fears written into them.

That's her books cover to the right ====>

5. You have so many fans/followers here , any kind of a message you would like to give them ?

- Thank you! I can't believe how blessed I've been to have all of this support.

6. What do you do when you suffer from ''writers block'' ?

- Eat. It probably isn't the best idea, but when I get writer's block, I tend to do unproductive things. Like eat. And watch TV. Sometimes I doodle.

7. Your favourite author and some of those you would like to work with ?

- JK Rowling is and always will be my favorite author. But I don't think I'd like to work with any other authors. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing, and I think having to work with another person would drive me crazy if our styles and preferences were different even the slightest bit.

8. What do you do in your free time except writing and reading ?

- I draw. A lot. And, like I said before, I eat. A lot.

So that's it buddies :D ..... Till then wait for more :')

Interview with the  Wattpadians. [ Part one ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora