(1) TheDowny

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So the Q and A starts with @ TheDowny , one of the good writers here and many of you must be knowing her and reading her books too , so go and fan her now . Her two books on Wattpad have been really famous and now I should stop talking and proceed =D

 Thanks Corri ! 

1. Tell the readers something about yourself . 

My favorite drink is a bourbon and Dr. Pepper.

2. What gave you the idea to start writing , here on Wattpad ? 

My sister, I've posted stories on other sites before but she really liked how this site was run. So she convinced me to come here.

3. What is the childhood memory of any book that you have read ? 

My dad used to read to me at night. I think my favorite was How The Grinch Stole Christmas because he would read it in different voices and he has a good reading voice.

======= > That's her book cover to the right :)

4. Any books here on Wattpad that really define you or tell something or the other about you ?

- Well I only have one book posted, and the sequel is only starting to get updated now. But my character all have a small part of me in them, with Adie I'd say there are two things that we share. The first being her view of people. She tends to have faith and see the good in people, and I share that quality. Even when it gets both of us into trouble. The second is her ass kick attitude for getting even. When she goes after Aiden it isn't entirely because she wants to rescue him, a part of her wants to hit him for pushing her off a cliff. That sounds like something I would do, and could see myself doing.

5. You have so many fans/followers here , any kind of message you would like to give them ?

- Thank you, seriously. It's because of my fans (you) that I write and post here. Otherwise without their enthusiasm and support I wouldn't have so much joy in writing. I love to hear that people genuinely like my stories. And it has nothing to do with them stroking my ego. I really just want to give people something that gets them passionate. And if my books can do that, or get someone into reading, then I've accomplished what I set out to do.

So thank you!

6.  What do you do when you suffer from "writers block " ?

- See, I've never really suffered from writers block, not for real. In the past it's only ever really been me suffering from writers ADD. I'd start a story then suddenly I'd get another idea then another, and another, and another. I have around 40+ stories/series ideas on my computer. Maybe someday I'll finish all of them. But it was only recently that I actually sat down and finished my first full book (Essence). Now that I’m writing Fire though I get to moments in my story where I need to decide what happens next, I have the main plot figured out, but it’s the small scenes and where to put them that get me stumped. Like right now actually, I’m stuck on this one scene with Fire, and it can go two ways…I just need to decide what will go best with my story. When I get to these places, I stop and step away and work on some other crafty project. My brain is strange, it always offers a solution, so I just step back and wait for it to give it to me.

7. Your favourite author and some of those you would like to work with ?

- Oh Lord, you had to ask this one didn’t you? There are a lot of authors that I would love to meet and work with. But my sister Gwen, known to all of you as Wildgreenskittle, is the one I love to work with the most. We bounce ideas off one another, and tell each other when something really sucks, or really rocks. And she’s only ever a Skype call away. If I had to pick three authors to meet and talk with though? *takes deep breath and thinks about it* 1. Moira Young, author of The Dust Lands series. 2. Veronica Roth, author of Divergent series. 3. Veronica Rossi, author of Under the Never Sky. These are young adult writers today that have really captured something different in the young adult world. Now if I could pick dead authors, well we’d be talking about a different list. But these are authors of today who I love to read and would love to talk to.

8. What do you do in your free time except writing and reading ? 

-  Outside of work and life, and when I’m not reading or writing? I like to cross stitch. I’m working on the Ravenclaw insignia for my sister currently. I hang out with my friends and they like to watch me fail at playing Zelda on the Wii. (Trust me, it’s entertaining, I’ve committed suicide with Link at least 394 times) I spend time outdoors playing Frisbee when it’s warmer. I like going to movies when I have money. I simply try to do things I enjoy when I’m not slaving away at work.

So here's the end !

Hope you all loved it and I am soon going to be back with more of the interviews until then vote and fan the TheDowny =D

Until then , byee :)

Interview with the  Wattpadians. [ Part one ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz