(21) demonicblackcat

359 19 4

I AM SORRY , I AM so so so SORRY ! 

Well I am having time issues lately because of school , homework and tutions but today I am posting a new interview for you all and it's .really.awesome. 

So she is the best writer I have ever come across on Wattpad until now (I am not kidding or anything , I  seriously mean it !)

So is from Indonesia and and she has wriiten stories we all love - yep , she is demonicblackcat aka Cat :') 

I like her answers so much , they are really different , you know . Thanks Cat ^_^

So let's start . 

Interview number twenty-one . 

1. Tell the readers something about yourself . 

I'm like, super aware of myself. If I know I'm smart, I'm gonna show it. If I know I'm pretty, I'm gonna flaunt it. Like I'm super flamboyant in real life, and probably the only reason my friends haven't collectively punch me in the face is because I'm aware of my vanity and constantly pokes fun of myself, too.

2. What gave you the idea to start writing here , on Wattpad ?

- I was writing in Fictionpress and fanfiction.net, and around 2011 (or was it 2012?) the site got kinda deserted. So I migrated to wattpad in hopes I can find readers who'd read my work.

3. What is the best childhood memory of any book that you have read ?

- I read Fight Club when I was 14, and it made me think that the world is such a dark and endlessly interesting place.

4. Any of your books here on Wattpad that really define you or tell something or the other about you ?

- (QToAH) Ryder's relationship with his parents kinda mirror mine.(LwP) Vera's arrogance before her fall always reminded me how very obnoxious I was when I was younger

That's her books cover to the right ===>

5. You have so many fans/followers here , any kind of a message you would like to give them ?

- Thank you thank you thank you!

6. What do you do when you suffer from ''writers block'' ?

- If I'm still interested in finishing the story, then I'll just sit on my chair and force myself to write. No other way.

7. Your favourite author and some of those you would like to work with ?

- John Green. He sounds like a lot of fun and maybe, after I practiced my english speaking so that I can speak as fast and as pronounciationly right as he is, we can converse a lot about The Art of Sounding Smart and Quirky Together.

8. What do you do in you free time except writing and reading ?

- I do a lot of 'cool' bad things, which includes smoking, drinking, partying. And then I do a lot of geeky things like writing fanfiction, obsessing over fictional characters on tumblr and endlessly surfing the internet. My hobby mostly revolves around the creative area, which includes films, books, arts and the like.

Well here was a short and sweet interview and I hope you guys like it . Toodles <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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