"No Tamaki would find us." Mori says and I laugh a little before nodding my head in agreement. "Your right. Are you just trying to be alone with me?" I say and he was oddly quiet making me look up at him only to see a blush on his face. "Yeah I want to be alone with you." Mori finally says making me smile before I pull gently on his arm. "Come on sir knight. Let us grab some food." I laugh making him nod before walking next to me, his arm once again around me. We get up to order and Mori was oddly quiet so I look up at him. "Do you know what you want?" I ask and he shakes his head no so I give a sigh. "Can I pick for the both of us?" I ask and he nods so I look at the woman who was taking orders. "Can we have this and this. Can I also get a shake please." I say as I order our food, Mori looks over my shoulder to see what I picked out before holding up two fingers. "Two shakes." He says as he pulls out his wallet to pay for our food. "Coming right up sir." The woman says, completely forgetting about me now that her eyes had landed on my boyfriend. Mori pays and not long after we get our food so I lead him over to a table to eat at. Mori sits next to me and gives me a soft smile as we each take our food. I was a little embarrassed to be sitting like this eating with him but on the other hand it felt right in so many ways. We were halfway done with our food when some girls walk over. I could hear them whispering about how good looking Mori was and suddenly I lost my appetite to eat. Mori must have noticed because he turns to me and takes my food from me.

"You have to eat or your going to faint on me." Mori says as he carefully feeds me. My cheeks heat up and the girls who were walking over this way stop to watch us. I let Mori feed me even if it was embarrassing and he smiles softly at me. The girls left and Mori kept at it only causing my blush to get worst. "I can feed myself." I stutter out making Mori nod his head slowly before he hands me my food again then goes back to eating his own. "Your the most beautiful girl, woman I've ever meet so don't let others get to you like that." Mori says as he glances down at me and I nod my head quickly. When we were done we go looking for the others, Mori held my hand the whole time before glancing over at me. "Kiku if it's not to late when we're done here would you like to go someplace else to shop?" Mori asks and I frown a little confused by his words. "I'd like that." I say giving him a smile and we find the others still in the pet shop. Tamaki was having a hard time picking out a pet.

We walk around and the others were having fun but I just couldn't get into it. When I was younger I would have loved this kind of thing but now not so much. Honey and Mori got ice cream but I wasn't feeling up for sweets. Afterwords they were going to watch a show but I wasn't feeling very well. "I'll be right back." I say as I stand making Mori and Honey look up at me a I dust off my jeans. "Where are you going?" Honey asks and I laugh lightly blushing in embarrassment. "I need to use the bathroom. I shouldn't take long. I'll be back before you know it." I say and they nod. I know Mori was watching me carefully as I walk to the bathroom, I did need to go down a floor to get there so he couldn't watch me the whole way. I take my time using the bathroom and leave. I was heading back up to where I left the others but my attention was grabbed by some wonderfully made bamboo swords. 'They aren't going to leave without me coming back.' I think before walking over to get a closer look at the swords. "Are you interested in kendo?" The owner of the stall asks and I look up at him. "A little, my boyfriend is a kendo champion so I'd like to get him something....." I say trailing off as I look over everything. I didn't know much about the swords used in kendo but I did learn everything there was about how to fight in it.

"A champion hu? Well then he might like this." The man says before he shows me a sword that looks nice but I can tell it would fall apart after a few blows. "That's a little to flashy for him. I'd like something strong and simple." I say making the man frown a little before he shows me the really well made swords that would last for a long time. "How much are those?" I ask as I look them over. I really wanted to learn so I could surprise Mori. He tells me the price and I smile happily before getting three of the swords and a few other odds and end. I was about to head back to the others when I hear the announcement made about my brother making me shake my head a little. "Tamaki is a dead man when my brother gets his hands on him. I better get there first." I mumble to myself before walking that way.

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