Part 7

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Kyoya said we were going to the beach and I was excited to be going. I wasn't going to do a lot of swimming after what happened at the park. By the time we could go I could walk on my own again. I couldn't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when I got to see them. I still can't believe that I had fainted when I was walking with Honey like I had. It was a little embarrassing that I had fainted, I was just glad that no one else saw my other scars when I had. "We're going to the beach, we're going to the beach." I sing as I walk around my room pulling out my things for our trip. I had never been on a long trip before, not since before the accident. Father didn't let me go far but some how Kyoya had talked him onto letting me go out of town with him. I giggle lightly as I hold a dress up against me and look into the mirror before frowning a little. I couldn't wear it even if I wanted to unless I was alone with Kyoya. It was a sun dress, one that Kyoya had gotten me a few years ago and I hadn't worn it yet. I must have been lost in thought because I didn't hear the door open or the footsteps as they got closer to me. "That will look cute on you. That's why I got it for you." Kyoya says making me jump a little and I turn quickly to look over at my big brother. "I don't know nii-chan." I whisper as I look down at the dress and feel a small frown form on my face as I look it over.

"Little flower no matter what you wear will look great on you. You just need to have some confidence in your looks." Kyoya says making me give a small sigh. I wanted to snap at my brother for just walking into my room but he was the only person in the house that was allowed to do so, due to my constant nightmares and such. "Do you think they would accept the way I look like you do nii-chan? No one else has accepted me but you and I can't take it if my friends can't accept me as well. I'm not ready to take that risk, not yet."I say as a few tears fall and I quickly place the dress back where I had gotten it. I was stupid to think that I could ever wear that dress, it would look dreadful on me. "Kiku put on the dress. I want to see what you look like in it. It's just the two of us home, can't I see my darling little sister happy in a short dress just once?" Kyoya says making me look over at him before giving a small sigh. "Fine." I say as I push him out of my closet and change into the dress. 'Why am I doing this?' I think as I pull on the dress, there was no mirror in here for me to look at myself so I had to go out there. I did want to see what it looked like on me. So I push open the door and walk out then over to my brother. Kyoya looks up at me and his eyes soften before giving me a wide smile. "You look amazing in it just like I thought you would." Kyoya says as he leads me over to my mirror and I gasp a little as I look at myself. "Is that really me?" I ask as I look myself over slowly not believing my eyes. I looked really cute in the dress, it was a dark blue and it had small white flowers on it. "It is. I think it looks perfect on you. What do you think about it?" Kyoya asks making me blush lightly I couldn't take my eyes off myself.

"I look nice." I mumble and Kyoya chuckles a little before hugging me gently. "You do. Maybe one day you will dress like this when we go out but for now I'm happy you let me see you dressed like this." He says hugging me tighter as he talks making me nod my head lightly. "Will you help me finish packing for our trip to the beach?" I ask making my brother let me go and he nods his head a few times. "Yes." He says. With his help it didn't take long for my bag to be packed before Kyoya leaves my room saying something about needing to pack as well. I change into a light long sleeved top and tights under my shorts then slipping on my shoes. I walk over to the door and meet my brother there, he takes my bag before we walk together to the limo and head out to meet with the others. It was just the other day that the twins were trying to pick out a swim suit for Haruhi, they even tried to pick one out for me but I refused to pick one. I noticed Mori looked a little upset when the twins tried to push one on me and he was looking over some swim suits not really commenting on the. I shake my head to ride the thoughts I was having and rest my head on Kyoya's shoulder. I was tired, I hardly slept the night before. "Take a nap, I'll wake you when we get to the beach." Kyoya says as he wraps his arm around me pulling me a little closer to himself. I fall asleep quickly breathing in the familiar scent of my brother.

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