It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (16)

Start from the beginning

Wow, Flyzik really did outdo himself this time. After pushing open the door I found that the room was absolutely beautiful! Part of me was gutted that I would only get to spend a night here! Everything in the living space was black and white, as it was in the small adjoined kitchen. There was a huge window looking over the city and opposite to that, two doors. I presumed those two doors led to single bedrooms but then...where's the en-suite? I left Jack admiring the city view and I walked over to the two doors. As I suspected, one of them was a bedroom with a double bed. Impressive. I went to the other room expecting a similar luxurious bedroom, only to find an en-suite.

But that means...


I let out a growl of frustration, feeling stupid that I didn't figure this out earlier. Of course that stupid smart ass would do something like this! And I thought I got the better of him when I threw my witty reply back to him downstairs. Evidently not.

“What's up, Hannah ermm...spanner!?” Jack asked as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“Look at this! I am going to MURDER Flyzik!” I shouted, flinging open the door to the double room with Jack still attached to me.

He was silent for about 3 seconds while he took in what he was seeing, before he burst out in laughter. It was so loud and powerful that I’m surprised the walls didn't start to crumble.


“JACK! It's not funny. I need to get the jerk back. Revenge is sweet, my child.” I joked, pressing my palms together and tapping my fingers together like an evil genius.

“It is kind of funny, Han. Don't I said on the way up here, it's all at your pace. Plus, revenge will be sweet. We'll get him, don't you worry.”

I smiled gently and gratefully at him, twisting out of his hold and kissing his cheek.

“Plus, I bet ours is the only room with a 42” plasma screen TV and DVD player. I KNEW I would get a chance to watch my Home Alone DVD's!”

I couldn't help but giggle at that. That damn movie...I must have watched the first 2 at least 200 times with Jack already. I couldn't stand the other ones, though...only the originals!

Just then I heard a brisk knock on the door...Mat. Now is our chance!

“Jack! That'll be Mat. Go see if you can find a huge bowl in the kitchen and fill it with cold water and those free Shampoo's from the bathroom! Quick!”

He nodded and winked, knowing what I was up to. I grabbed a pillow from the 400000 that were spread on the bed and ripped open the top, positioning myself in front of the door.

“One minute, Mat” I spoke trying to stifle my giggles, “We're just getting decent!” HA!

I heard him cough awkwardly just as Jack appeared next to me, a huge bowl full of slime in his hands.

“Jack...what's that?” I whispered, gesturing to the bowl. I thought shampoo and cold water would make loads of bubbles but this was even better!

“It's a crap load of free face creams and foot stuff, massage oil's too...there was loads of that crap! I thought it would be better than bubbles.”

“Dammit you're cool.” I kissed him quickly and went to throw open the door to the suite, counting to Jack on my fingers.


I pulled the door back and hid behind it as Jack threw the slimy crap all over Mat, once he was covered I jumped out from behind the door and started hitting him with the open pillow. Feathers were sticking to the slimy stuff all over him making him look like a crazy chicken. BRILLIANT!

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now