Dream #1

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I walk toward the girl I love, heart fluttering. I'm not sure why I'm about to do what I'm going to do, I just know I need to do it. I move along the edge of the room, avoiding the other girls, heading to her corner. I stop. Breathe, I tell myself.
"Um... Hi." I say. She turns slowly to face me. I have second thoughts. "Um... You know? I've been thinking about it for a while, and... Um... I think you, well, we, should..." I trail off. What am I even here to do? "I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you go out with me?" I close my eyes. I don't want a no from her. At this point there are two ways this situation could go. I look up to see an uncomfortable looking girl and a room full of silent, staring onlookers. Shit. I was hoping this wasn't going to happen.
"Hey..." She started, "don't take this too personally or anything," at those words I start to force back tears. "I don't really like girls." She said apologetically. I begin to walk away, each step faster and faster until I'm in a full on sprint, tears streaming behind me, running to who knows where. I end up at home, in my bed, crying.
The week passes quickly, and it's 1st period. Great, gym, I thought. I hate gym. It's not fun when you never understand the rules of the game. As I walk into the locker room, you can see the looks of horror on each girl's face as they quickly cover up any exposed skin. News spreads like wildfire around here. I get out as fast as I can. I can't stand this small town. It makes my dreams into nightmares.

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