The beginning

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The bus. No one likes a school bus. Except of course those who don't understand social situations. Anyways, cross country made the bus slightly more bearable I guess. We were on our way to an invitational, and of course I was sitting in the back trying to be cool or something. I don't know. It was interesting. It was in the back of that very bus that I fell for a guy. But I got bored. They didn't know I liked them, months passed, and the feeling faded away. I learned something the moment I looked at him and the flutters of joy weren't there. I learned that things will always be there for you. If you want them you'll just have to change. It's the changing that's the hard part, especially when lone bus rides turn into intense thinking sessions. It's been many bus rides later. I still don't know where I stand. And so here I am. My name is Corinne and I am a bisexual sprout. I don't know if I like anyone, I don't know if I'm even bisexual with 100% certainty. I don't even really know who I'm friends with half the time. I guess I'll have to figure that out at some point if I haven't died by then. Bye...


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