Chapter 29

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Kurt and I are curled up on the couch watching Over the Edge. Kurt says that this is one of his favorite films, and from his point of view I can see why. Full of violence and teen rebellion, this film was his dream.

Sometime toward the end of the film, Kurt randomly sat up with a thoughtful look on his face.

"You know what we have enough money to do?" he asked.

"Wait," I said going off on a tangent, "I've told you - I won't share your royalties."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "You know, anybody else would jump at the chance to share someone else's money."

"Well I'm not 'anybody else'. And besides, it's not mine, I didn't earn it."

"Okay whatever, we'll save this agreement for another time."

"There's nothing to argue about." I muttered.

"Anyway, I was thinking that it's time we move out of this place." he said excitedly.

"Yeah... it is kinda big for only two people."

Kurt shook his head. "No, I mean out of Aberdeen. Out of fucking Washington."

"What do you have in mind?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Los Angeles, California."

I laughed. "That's the complete opposite of Aberdeen."

"That's good! And anyway it's better for opportunities. Better record companies, more musicians, different gigs..."

"But that would have to mean moving the whole band."

"Then it's a good thing they've already agreed." Kurt had an expectant look on his face.

"Really?" I asked, incredulous. He nodded. "Well I'm all for it."

Kurt smiled widely. He picked up Monti from a nearby chair where he was sleeping and danced with him around the living room. "We're moving to California!"


As everybody was so anxious to get out of the depressing town that they were chained to, we were out of there within three weeks. Since there were only two cars between the five of us, Kurt called up Buzz Osborne and he and a friend drove up from LA with two other cars. That fit everything we needed and we were off.

I wrote a letter to my father explaining that the house was his again. That was the first contact we've had since my 18th birthday last year. Since the house was under his name, I couldn't do anything with it.

The drive to Southern California was a day and a half long. It was kinda boring up until Buzz decided to take to the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco. The sight was amazing. I'd only ever seen it on television, more specifically on every Full House episode. It was such a shame my camera was packed up - that would have made the best photograph.

Nearly 7 hours later, we arrived at an apartment complex located somewhere in west Los Angeles. Unloading everything was pretty quick because there were 7 of us. Kurt and I had an apartment near the front with a view of the street, Krist and Shelli were across the hall, and Chad had a smaller apartment next to theirs. We were all located upstairs, which I liked.

Our apartment consisted of two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and a small balcony in the back. All the walls were painted the same bland off-white but I knew they would be covered in our art and photographs just like before.

On the first night, we were much too tired to unpack so we just threw sheets and pillows on the mattress and Kurt's favorite lillies - among other random shit - on the nigtstand for decoration.

We layed in bed together just thinking and staring at the ceiling.

"I feel like our lives are about to change big time." I said.

"I feel that too. Maybe it's just the California air."


Just so you guys know, a lot of the stuff on here is true. Like Kurt and Courtney at the Dharma Bums show or the fight with Kurt and the bouncer. I also try to make the dates accurate. So yeah, I don't make everything up. Lemme know if in the future you catch something that really happened ;)

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