Chapter 24

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Kurt fell in love with Europe. He had never been out of the country before, or even the Western Hemisphere. None of us thought about having to go back to work and responsibilities in America. As Shelli put it, we were 'living for the moment', how ever cheesy that sounds.

Britain was especially exciting for two reasons. The first, English crowds are fucking crazy. Just one generation down from people like the Sex Pistols, it's understandable where their energy comes from. Not to mention that when Nirvana encounters an excited audience, it in turn excited them and the whole thing is a lot funner.

The other reason Britain stood out from the rest was because of a fight early on in the tour. Though the fight was only of a few seconds, it was scary as a bystander and girlfriend to watch. Kurt had been itching to crowd surf for a long time and he figured that this should be the time to do it. The jumped onto the eager hands of the English audience. And they accepted them, passing him around as he continued to play his guitar.

When they passed him to the front, Kurt hit one of the bouncers right on the head with the guitar, and a hard hit too. He jumped off and turned around as the bouncer grabbed his flannel and punched him in the back of the head and knocked him down. He stepped forward going for more but everyone ran out to stop him from injuring Kurt further. Who has the heart to hit such a frail looking man when it was clearly an accident?

Anyway, after the concert the owner of the club approached the band to excuse the bouncer's inappropriate behavior. He then offered them free drinks for as long as they were staying which the boys graciously accepted.

So we went to the bar with our minds set on getting hammered. Rather, they wanted to get hammered. Not me; I'm not a drinker. I stuck around to make sure they wouldn't do anything stupid, which was a pretty good idea because Krist randomly decided to drive Shelli and Chad to the ocean at one point. When it was clear that they'd had enough, I dragged everyone out of the bar and up to the hotel. After saying goodnight Kurt and I went into our room.

I changed into comfortable clothes and got into bed and Kurt wandered around the room mumbling unintelligible things. He was still drunk as shit so I didn't want to bother him because alcohol makes him more irritable.

He suddenly throws himself on to my legs and laughs loudly.

"What's up?" I chuckle. His face goes serious.

"I need a painkiller! I didn't bring my heroin so I need something else." I froze at the mention of heroin. He suddenly gasps. "Let's have sex!"

"Uh, no. You're drunk, I don't want it like that."

"Oh come on! Don't be such a pansy, it's just sex." Kurt said impatiently.

"Maybe to you, but to me it's a bigger deal than you think. And don't be rude." I feel like I was having to say that more often than before.

"Whatever. Never mind. I'm going out." he grabs his jacket and stumbles toward the door. I rush to his side and stop him.

"No you can't go anywhere while you're drunk off your ass. It's dangerous. You could walk into the street and get killed or get into a fight or something." He shook my hand off of him angrily.

"Sometimes you act so much like my mother and I don't like that." he says with finality. And with that he stormed out the door, leaving me confused and very upset.

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