Day One Greenie

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   I jolt awake, gasping desperately but choke when the bitter air hits my lungs, feeling like a punch to my gut.

   I steady myself with my hands on the ground. I can barely hear my own thoughts over the ear piercing sound of metal grinding against metal.

   I wobbly stand up, leaning on the wall, fearing my knees will give out and take in my surroundings. It's dark so I squint my eyes, letting them adjust.

   I'm in what looks like a large cage and I see crates and boxes against the edges, leaving me, center of the box.

   I feel my stomach drop when I realize it's moving up. It looks like it goes on forever because I can't see the top.

   Where am I going? Why am I here?

   I ask myself in my head. But then I wonder..

Who am... "I". What's my name?!

   I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to process anything that can tell me who I am. But I simply cant remember anything. No memories..

   I get frustrated and a pounding head ache but compose myself quickly. I feel along the sides of the cage.

  'There has to be a stop button in here. What kind of elevator doesn't have buttons?'
   I circled the whole cage and found nothing, quickly losing the self composure I had gained earlier.

ANYONE!!?? PLEASE STOP!!!!!!" I cried.

I scream until my throat is raw and I punch the cage until my knuckles bled. But that's the least of my problems right now.

   I whip around when I hear a noise come from one of the boxes behind me. I slowly get on my hands and knees and peer into the cracks of the box to be face to face with a pig.

    It snorts in my face and I fall backwards, hitting my head on the metal wall behind me. My ears start to ring and black dots engulf my vision before I black out.


I awake again to the screeching of the cage. I'm not sure how long I was out but I can see that I'm almost to the top.

    I stand up only to collapse back down by the impact of the crash when the box jerks to a halt.

   I hear a siren and footsteps swarm above. I quickly scoot backwards, hiding behind one of the boxes.

   I try to make out what the low murmers are above but I jump when I hear a loud, deep, voice ring out above the rest.


   Then an overwhelming brightness swallows my vision when the doors above me open. My eyes adjust when two teenage boys jump inside, making me flinch.

   I slow my breathing, not wanting them to find me. The two boys look around, looking somewhat confused.

   "Uh, I don't think they sent up a greenie", one boy said. He had a thick British accent.

  "Alright you shanks, let's grab our supplies and send this shuck box back to the hell it came from" The other boy replied, folding his arms.

   Shanks? Greenie? Shuck? Question after question crowded my mind, but the boys taking boxes and handing them upwards pulled me out of my thoughts.

   I feel my heart beat quicken when the boy with the British accent makes his way over to me while cleaning out the elevator. They haven't seen me yet and I start shaking, even though the sun beaming down makes it pretty hot.

Run.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon