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Newt begins rambling about something but I'm too distracted by two boys standing just outside the maze doors. The walls start to open and they run inside.

Runners.. They're going to look for a way out.

As much as I love hearing Newt talk in his charming British accent, I had the sudden urge to just run into the maze. The Gladers made it seem as if it was a death sentence, but to me it seemed.. Hopeful.

"Y/n have you listened to a single word I've said?" Newt says putting his hands on his hips.

"Oh uh-yeah, um-.... No sorry I didn't," I say and bite my lip. Newt chuckles and shakes his head but I can tell he's not mad.

"There are 7 jobs. Track-joes are our gardners. Medjacks are the doctors. Sloppers are basically the janitors/cleaners. Builders are who built everything you see inside the glade. Cooks well, cook. And Slicers raise and slaughter the livestock. And eh- yeah that seems to be it." Newt cleared his throat.

I squint my eyes at him. Trackhoes, Medjacks, Sloppers, Builders, Cooks, and Slicers.. He's missing one. He said there are seven jobs but only listed six. He's avoiding one... Runners.

"Well what if I want to be a runner?" I say raising an eyebrow.

Newt tenses up, "No no no no, you don't want to be a runner. Trust me." He says looking down at me seriously. I trust Newt, but the fire inside me tells me I need to go out there.

"I can do it. You saw that I can run, probably faster than the majority of the boys here. I want to be a runner. Newt please.. I need you to trust me."

Newt looks down, pondering the suggestion. "I trust you can take care of yourself but.. You just don't understand," he rubs his eyes.

"No I think I do.. You dont think I have what it takes. Just because I'm a girl doesnt mea-"

"No Greenie," he interrupts. "It's not that. Most of the shanks in here couldn't do it. It's too dangerous. Just drop it okay? No is my final answer. I told you I wont let anything hurt you and I plan on keeping that promise." He says grabbing my hand.

I look down at our hands and bite my cheek to hold in my smile. His hand was much bigger than mine and calloused from work. His rough hand on my soft skin sent tingles up my arm, causing my heart to pick up its pace. I look up into his deep eyes, feeling myself getting lost in them.

I shake my head, pulling myself out of my thoughts and remember that I'm annoyed with him. "This isn't fair. You should at least let me try out. If I'm not good at it then I will let it go. Please Newt," I say rubbing his knuckles on the last sentence, causing him to get lost in thought this time.

He furrows his eyebrows, looking at the grass, blushing. I smile slightly, loving how the small gesture had such an effect on him. But soon enough he snaps out of it, ripping his hand from mine and taking a step back.

"Y/n that is enough." He says sternly.


"They'll kill you!!!"

He snaps, taking himself by surprise. I stand there, lips parted, looking into Newts eyes trying to find a sign if he's lying just to keep me from having the job I want.

"Newt... Who's they?" I ask in a soft voice, almost a whisper.

"Th- the grievers.." he says squeezing his eyes shut.

"Grievers? Alby didn't say anything about them." I say folding my arms over my chest.

He walks to me and grabs my arm, pulling me into the woods.

"Newt where are you taking me??"

He doesn't answer and continues to walk deeper into the woods. We come across what looks like a... Graveyard.

"What the hell," I whisper to myself.

Newt lets go of me and slowly kneels down on his knees in front of a grave. I stand beside him and read the flimsy cross made of wood.

'Let this unfortunate shank be a warning to all. Don't go beyond those walls and No one survives a night in the maze..
G e o r g e'

"The Grievers got him. Tore him apart right in front of me," Newt says with pain in his voice. I put my hand on his shoulder. I knew he wasn't lying.

"I'm sorry."

He stands and grabs both of my arms to look me in the eyes with a serious expression. "I guess can't keep you from trying out but I hope this discouraged you. Please Y/n. You don't want to do this."

"O-okay.. I wont," I lie. Somehow knew I needed to become a runner. With or without Newt's approval, I was trying out. But for now I would drop it considering it was really getting to him.

We walk side by side out of the dark woods. It was daylight but the thick trees above us kept out any speck of light. I felt my heart jump in my chest every time our hands brushed against each other. It felt good knowing someone here genuinely cares about me.

When we arrive back into the center of the Glade, he guides me to a tower which we climb. From up here you can see the entire glade from wall to wall. It's beautiful. I shut my eyes when a breeze comes over us, blowing my hair over my shoulders.

When the wind stops, I open my eyes and turn my attention to Newt beside me who quickly shifts his eyes away.

Was he watching me?

He clears his throat and begins to point out where things are here. Bathrooms, Gardens, Barn, Cafeteria, and so on. I had a perfect view of where everything was until the flimsy railing we're leaning on snaps. He balances himself but not before I'm thrown over the edge of the tower and let out a high pitched scream.

I fall too fast to have time to grab on to anything before I feel someone grab my wrist. Newt. I look down and panic at how far of a fall it would be. At least 100 feet high. Gladers begin to swarm beneath my dangling body.

"Y/n, let go of the edge and give me your other hand!" I hadn't noticed I was holding newts hand with one and the side of the tower with the other.

"I- I can't!" I say, fearing that if I let go, Newt will drop me.

"Yes you can! Love I've got you, I won't let you fall."

I squeeze my eyes shut. It takes every bit of strength in me to finally let go of the tower and quickly grab Newt with my other hand. I let out a relieved but shaky whimper. The Gladers below gasp in unison. Newt begins to pull me up as they cheer him on.

I crawl away from the edge and throw myself into Newts arms as he pulls me tightly into a hug, both of us breathing heavily.

"Thank you, thank you Newt," I whisper, tears soaking his shirt.

"It's okay, you're okay. I've got you," Newt says in a calming voice, rocking me in his lap as I try to even my breathing.

"What the shuck happened up there!?" I hear Albys booming voice yell, making me flinch. Newt 'sh's me softly and responds down. "The bloody railing snapped and Y/n fell! We're okay!"

"Alright.. Come down here and Builders get on repairing that ASAP."

Newt gently pulls us up and starts to climb down the ladder. I shakily climb after him.

When my feet touch the ground, my legs give out from under me and I fall yet again. Alby helps me up, "You alright, greenie? You coulda' died a second ago.."

"Yeah I think I'm okay. Just.. shaken up." I say looking at the grass in shock that I'm not a bloody mangled mess, screaming on the ground... If not.. Dead. Thank god Newt was there or..

I push the thought away.

Alby nods. "Good that.. Newt, tour's over. Just relax guys, you get the day off."

   I walk to a tree and slump down against it to process what had just happened..

Newt saved me.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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