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Adison's POV:

As soon as the front door closes, and he slips out to be with the mystery woman, I press my palms to the temples of my head, trying to soothe the pounding head ache pulsating in my brain. Too much happened too quickly, not giving me enough time to even process what happened, but I did get the gist he's been seeing another woman.

That realization alone stopped my heart, and I'm heaving breaths in attempt to not cry, he doesn't deserve the tears I have. The kisses, the love, everything, meant nothing to him, because if it did he wouldn't have to seek it with another woman. My ribs are caving in like a weak structure, as I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling, feeling every wave of heart break hit me at once.

The anger, the heart wrenching sadness, the disgust, and the misery come crashing through the walls I've spent so much time putting up. All the promises that have been broken for so long and I didn't even realize, and all the trust he has thrown to waste makes me sick.

I wrap my arms around my torso, one last attempt of holding myself together, before I completely lose it and scream. I scream from all the pain his physical doing has caused me, I scream from the overwhelming frustration, but most of all I scream because I believed he actually loved me. To think I could ever find anyone to love me, is the stupidest hope I've ever had.

He never did love me, I don't care how many times he has said it, or attempted to show me affection, it was all a show and he deserves a standing ovation.

Slowly rolling over to my side, with a hand covering my mouth to muffle out sound, I use all my strength to get up from off the floor and on my feet, swaying a little bit. When Shawn finally did let me go I must have hit my head pretty hard, because my vision is in a scramble, everything a slight blur.

I look over to the small table to my right, and see the prized object Shawn has been smartly keeping away from me.

His phone.

I knew it was strange he was always defensive of it, never leaving it out, or alone. It all ends tonight, the sneaking, the charades, the excuses, it's about time I get some truth in this screwed up life of mine.

My stomach drops when I realize he could've changed the pass code since he last told me in college, which would make things far more complicated than I'd like. Quickly I turn on his phone, with a plan of punching in those numbers and quickly scanning through every sinful text message shared between him and Maddie, but before I can even swipe, I stare at his home screen.

It's us, a picture from forever ago, we're on the beach with a couple of Shawn's old friends, whom he doesn't talk to anymore but were very nice while I knew them, and as I'm staring at this picture, even through the midst of all my tears, I manage to crack a smile.

This is what insanity must look like, I think to myself, almost wanting to laugh thinking about if someone saw me crying until breathing became a problem, with a smile on my face as it happens. They would think I was crazy.

Seeing this picture makes it seems like the beach happened just yesterday. The drinks, which everyone except me went heavy on, being because at the time I was pregnant, waking up to see everyone hungover, the bonfire, the endless smiles, and the most heart wrenching one, the romance. That summer that we all went to the beach, Shawn and I were madly in love, or more like I was madly in love with him, and it was the best week of my life.

Ignoring the fact that I could look at this all day, I swipe so I see the number pad right under my fingertips, the screen alone makes my heart beat faster with anticipation. A small part of me hopes I don't see a single message, but almost all of me knows I will. Holding my breath I try his old pass code, his birthday, and to my surprise, it brings me right to the home screen. I let out the air I was holding, along with a mixture between a sob and a laugh of relief.

I click his messages and the first conversation I see has the contact name of Maddie, and the feeling of my stomach plummeting becomes all too real, every message feeling like a stab to the heart. A stab of betrayal.

Most of the texts were disgusting, drunk disgusting texts, describing the lust filled night they had with each other, but one little grouping of texts catches my attention.

Madeline: Do you think she knows?

crying, I stumble and slam myself against the front door yelling and cursing Shawn for what he has done.

Shawn: She'll never know, she's too busy kissing my feet to pick up anything suspicious,trust me.

These texts may have been from a couple nights ago, but I know this lie has been going on longer than I would ever dream. That alone makes me want to throw up.

Before I get the chance to throw his phone, grab a suit case and find the strength to leave, his phone begins to vibrate, but I don't recognize the number that's calling because it's not saved as a contact.

with a shaky hand I press the green call button and squeak out a shaky, "Hello?"

_____________________________________________________________________________________~Who do you think it is?

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