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Adison's POV:

"You know," I sigh happily to myself, a smile making a home on my face, even in the nerve wracking situation, "after we do this I want to play 20 questions."

A choked laugh comes from him as he looks over skeptically at me, but quickly returns his eyes to the road when he sees I'm serious.

"20 questions yeah?" Shawn's grip on the steering wheel causes his knuckles to turn white, his nerves must be through the roof, with the whole "I might me pregnant" idea.

"I mean come on," I say, sarcasm completely evident in my tone, "I can't even say I know you that well."

But yet I want to have you in my arms every night, kissing you, holding you, being together....

"You have a point there Addy," he grabs my hand, and out of a nervous habit I tuck my brown hair behind my ear, even though the strands haven't moved since I did it last time.

Nervous, that's what shawn makes me, nervous.

"I just hope these tests are accurate," I glance down at the target bag in my lap, my stomach doing another flip flop, this time not from excitement.

"Don't see why they wouldn't be." I watch his Adams apple as he speaks, seeing it go up and down with every anxious swallow. Why not just talk about how scared and petrified we are of this?

"I can't be the only one terrified," I mumble trying to bring the conversation up rather bluntly.

"Who said I wasnt?" He says defensively, the grip on the steering wheel getting even tighter, which I didn't think was possible.

"Well it's so easy for you to walk away you know? We have only known each other for not even a month and here we sit with baby problems," my smile moves away, and tears take their place swelling in my eyes.

"Leave? You think I'm that much of a douche to leave? Adison you don't have to trust me on everything but God trust me with this." His rock hard expression suddenly softens, making the mood a little more comfortable and soft.

"Can I say something insane?" I practically laugh, changing the subject by just saying what comes to mind.

"Yeah sure, crazy is interesting," he turns on my street, his grip getting tighter again as the moment nears to where I have to lock myself in my bathroom and see if my life is going to change.

"I love you," I breathe out, trying my best to catch my breath so I can speak again, "a-and I know it's insane and I haven't known you long at all but there's something different and I wish I could tell you what it is so it's not on my mind all the god damn time but i can't and I completely-" he turns into the driveway quickly, not even pulling up into his space before he leans over and connects our lips, not letting me finish what I was saying.

Normally I don't like being interrupted but this, this I could deal with.

Our lips move in desperation and passion, our body language showing how hungry we have been for this to happen since he showed up at my door. Shawn's lips detach, leaving me breathless and flustered from the heated moment we just encountered.

"And I love you," he whispers, hugging me as I cry softly out of happiness and fear, out of all I've been through, how I need someone and I've finally found them.

"I'm so scared," i cry, clinging onto his shoulders for dear life, as if he's my lifeline.

"20 questions, and I'll ask you the first one," he says suggestively in the crook of my neck, trying to distract me from my shaky state.

"Okay," i whimper, focusing on his heavy breathing that happens to drive me insane.

"If you could go back in time and relive something beautiful that has happened to you," he pauses to kiss my forehead, "what would it be?"

I take a deep breath, crying out again at a million memories, a million moments that I'd like to relive.

"The last birthday I've ever had with my mom," the thought of her alone calms me down, making my saddness and fear fade away like the color of a sweater you've washed too many times.

"Tell me about it," he runs his fingers comfortingly through my hair, making me breathe in his scent contently.

"It was a month before she got diagnosed with cancer, you know being young I didn't understand what it meant, but I just remember she would smile every time she talked about my birthday and me turning 9 and I don't remember seeing that smile after that hospital visit with her doctor." I got so lost in thought I didn't even notice that he was rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry you had to lose her that way." His tone is saddened by my depressing story I just told, introducing him to the more screwed up part of my life.

"Don't be," i whisper, "nothing anyone could do anyways."

________________________________________~**everyone takes this out of their library**


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