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Adison's POV:

"What do we do now mendes?" I smile, passing him a beer, then frowning to myself at the fact that I can't have any. He shifts on the small couch, so he's looking straight ahead at the blank tv, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

"20 questions remember?" Popping the cap off, he takes a big swig of the Burning liquid, and then looks at me with twinkling eyes.

"I'm not sure where to start with you..." i trail off, looking him over as if that would strike inspiration to ask him something deep and meaningful. I definetly didn't want to ask him something as stupid as,

Where'd you get your sweatshirt? It's really nice.

"Anything," he sighs, lightly laying his palm on the arm of the couch, "really feel free."

I know the general idea of him, that he's sweet, he's caring, gentle, but there has always been this mysterious side I have been wanting to get at. It's just that he's a mystery and I know this is going to most likely take longer to solve than I'd like.

"Childhood," i face him, raising an eyebrow, just checking to make sure it's okay.

"What about." The grip on the beer bottle becomes tighter and he tenses up almost immediately at the supposed to be "happy" word.

"I don't know, I mean tell me about it, favorite memories." I slide my way over until I'm right next to him, tracing my fingers up and down his forearm for comfort.

"You don't really know how to play this game do you?" He snickers painfully menacingly.

What could have happened to him to make shawn so bitter to the idea of his childhood.

"You know what I mean shawn, I told you about my mom and I'd love to hear a little about anything at all." The red blotches of an uncomfortable blush creeps it's way up my neck, making me irritated by the fact that he can't open up.

"Well darling, do you want to hear about the alcoholic or the drunken abuser?" He looks to the right, avoiding eye contact and staring out the window at the falling snow,"God," His voice cracks, "i hope you weren't expecting anything fantastic."

My heart, experiences something so sharp and sudden and painful, that it practically breaks for him. How could anyone be so cruel as to abuse someone so vibrant and different, in all the good ways.

"Shawn i'm," a lump reaches my throat and I stop my movements on his arm, "God who dared to even touch you like that?"

To break the heart shattering silence of the depressing mood he laughs, genuinely laughs at what I just said.

"My ass hole of a father," he turns to look at me, eyes red and full of hate that seems he never got the chance to express, "and I'm not sure you're up to a rant Adison."

"Of course I am," i kiss his cheek reassuringly, "i find you intriguing shawn."

His beautiful eyebrows raise skeptically at my statement, but seeing I'm serious he brushes it off, breathing deeply to prepare himself.

"I'll start from the beginning, everyone loves beginnings," he takes another sip of his beer to calm bubbling nerves.

"I was probably nine, a kept away child from most horrors this world would try to shove in my face, but I knew some things. Like I knew my parents faught, all parents do at one point or another, and I knew my mom was no longer happy staying with me and my dad any longer. Things weren't that bad though, until my dad lost his job, causing one of the biggest fights to break out. My mom was crying, my dad was drunk and screaming his ass off, and me?" Shawn makes intense eye contact to make sure I'm paying attention, which I am, but also fighting tears.

"Me, I was in my room crying my damn eyes out because I witnessed my dad hit my mom, and I wish I could say it was for the first time. Things were slowly piecing together, like the times she would come down stairs with bruises on her wrists, or a light bruise on her cheek..." he wipes his eyes, remembering his mother, "and that doll, that fucked me up."

I wipe away tears myself, now holding onto him to try to make things okay.

No one deserves this, ever.

"God shawn, then what," i snuggle my head into his chest trying not to break down.

"Then I thought things were going to be okay, like that was the worst of it, until all hell broke loose."

________________________________________~baBY BOY MY BABY NONONONONONO


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