Have Faith, Seida! The Battle to the Finale.

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Raiyo took steady strides outside to the arena, he could hear the cheers of the crowd urging him to the fight. He stepped outside and immediately the cheering intensified to ear shattering levels. Raiyo couldn't help but feel a small smile on the edge of his lips. He walked confidently towards the large, tiled arena and couldn't help but feel a little self conscious due to what he was wearing.

"THERE HE IS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE MYSTERIOUS SON GOKEN HERE TO CLAIM HIS RIGHTFUL SPOT IN THE TOURNAMENT!" at this statement, numerous sections started chanting Raiyo's 'name'; "GOKEN GOKEN GOKEN..." the words could be heard resonating in the stadium. Just as quickly as the chants had started the noise level spiked once more, causing Raiyo to look back at where he had entered in from.

There was Kira, her slender yet muscular body adorned with a red gi, her hair pulled back into a winding braid, and her feet were noticeably bare. She strode up to the arena, paying no mind to the cheering of the crowds. She regarded Raiyo coldly and stood opposite him, the announcer then came onto the arena. "THE TOURNAMENT RULES ARE AS FOLLOWS: NO USE OF WEAPONS OR CONTRABAND, NO KILLING OF YOUR OPPONENT, FIGHTERS ARE DECLARED KNOCKED OUT WHEN THEY FAIL TO GET UP AFTER THE COUNT OF TEN OR THEY ARE KNOCKED FROM THE ARENA AND TOUCH ANY OUTSIDE SURFACE. FIGHTERS, READY YOUR STANCES!" He said.

Raiyo and Kira glared at each other, though Raiyo was hidden by the glasses. The two assumed their fighting postures, Kira with her turtle style and Raiyo with his street style. The stadium almost immediately went silent, waiting to see who would act first. The Z-Fighters focused on Kira, their minds wrapped with anticipation. Seida watched with hope in her eyes, "I know you can win Raiyo, now prove it to these people!"


Raiyo struck first, rushing towards Kira faster than the normal eye could catch. Kira was shocked at his own speed and was caught off guard with a right hook to her jaw. She stumbled back, "Damn, he's a lot faster than I would have thought. Guess I won't have to hold back as much!" Kira thought to herself.

She recovered quickly and elbowed Raiyo in the chest, sending him hurtling back a few meters. He rolled back onto his feet and rushed back with a volley of kicks and punches, but only occasional strikes met their marks. Kira ducked, weaved, and occasionally blocked in an attempt to avoid her opponent's onslaught. She had never seen an opponent that fought with such ferocity, albeit with such a sloppy fighting style.

Raiyo was getting nowhere with direct attacks, "Let's try something else." Suddenly Raiyo dropped and swept Kira's feet from under her. Using the same momentum, Raiyo put a foot under him and rocketed himself upwards. He balled a fist and rammed it into Kira's midsection, sending her flying back.

"INCREDIBLE, GOKEN HAS TAKEN AN EARLY LEAD IN THE FIGHT AND HAS SUCCESSFULLY KNOCKED KIRA TO THE GROUND!" The announcer yelled excitedly into his mic. "GET UP KIRA!" Pan yelled down to her daughter. She looked down at Raiyo, who was sporting a smug smile. Pan gritted get teeth angrily, "Who does this guy think he is, beating on my daughter like that?!?" She mentally ranted. Kira flung herself up and rushed towards Raiyo, who had his back turned.

Seida noticed the attack, "DODGE!" she screamed at Raiyo. The warning came too late as Raiyo only had enough time to turn around just as he got kicked in the chest, sending him skirting across the arena floor. Raiyo managed to skid to a halt as he reached the upper right hand corner of the arena. "Bitch," Raiyo muttered and raced back towards Kira. "Bastard," Kira said to herself and flew towards Raiyo. The two warriors met in the middle of the ring with fists raised, both connecting with shockwave that cracked the tile.

Seida's heart was pounding out of her chest with worry. She watched as Raiyo and the girl, Kira, exchange furious and fast paced blows, none of which she could even hope to follow. Whenever she could catch a clear glimpse at the two it seemed as if the fight could go either way. Every so often a shockwave erupted from the two fighters and various parts of the arena splintered and broke apart. The longer the fight went on the more Seida felt that Raiyo was completely outmatched in this tournament, and she wasn't being pessimistic or anything. All she had to do was lean over the balcony railing and watch the gap in fighting skill take place.

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