A New Story Begins. Weigh Your Options Carefully, Raiyo.

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Age 815: 15 years later

It wasn't the alarm clock that woke him up. It wasn't the chirping of birds or the pleasant smell of breakfast..it wasn't even the sun since it was only five in the morning. No, what woke up our slumbering hero from his beauty rest was the barking of voices outside, very familiar voices. At this early in the day the yelling match outside was unneeded for Raiyo, slamming his head against the folded flimsy pillow.

"Not today, why are they here so early?!" The young man, Raiyo, groans in indignation and drags himself from under the thin cover. There was hardly a feeling of difference between being under the cover and not, which didn't bother Raiyo too much, but it was more of the principle of the matter.

Raiyo shakes out the matted mess that was his hair, trying to disperse the bed head. This only succeeds in it springing back into the spiky, black mess it was naturally accustomed to. "Maybe one day I'll get this cut..but today is not that day." He spoke irritatedly, remembering the situation outside.

Raiyo quickly pulls on his standard day attire; an orange vest-jacket over a blue short sleeved shirt, black cargo pants with blue and green boots, and finally his orange and blue fingerless gloves. He ran out of his shared room as quickly as he could, down the stairs and out the door, not really sure what to prepare for.


"Five guys this time, they're getting serious now." Raiyo comments to himself upon exiting the home, watching as his closest friend, an older girl named Terebi was yelling at the men. Terebi was a long time resident of the orphanage, same as Raiyo, however she was two years his senior and had even been around when Raiyo first showed up, though she barely remembers the day. The young woman was a lithe figure of five foot, four inches with a short, side cut of brown hair and an intimidating pair of hazel eyes. Living practically by her wits, she was a survivor, and didn't really put up with people that well. Terebi learned to fight from a young age, which was a necessary skill to have when you grow up basically alone on the streets. But unfortunately her big head was only matched by her big ego, and she would often fight when she was clearly outclassed or outnumbered, which seemed to be the case of the latter in this situation.

"I couldn't give a damn IF some nutjobs wandered around here! Your so-called 'protection' prices are absolute bull!" She berated to the men as she kept her fists balled. Her hair was just a mess, and she still had on that old t-shirt and short shorts she used as pajamas. She had clearly been woken early and had only enough thought to come outside and punch something.

"Look sweetheart, you can play pretend with your boyfriend over there," he said and gestures over to Raiyo once he got in their line of sight. "But let the actual men protect you and your dump of an orphanage, just as long as you pay the small fee. But I feel generous so I'll give you a discount, though I'll need a little something in exchange!" He said and began looking her up and down, not even hiding his attempts to undress her with his eyes.

This just made her angrier, but before she could do anything Raiyo placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at him and saw the stone cold expression on his face. That made her calm down, if only slightly, just enough to know that she better back off. Terebi made the mistake of doubting the younger boy a long time ago, but now you'd have to be stupid to do so, and she was anything but stupid.

She moves away as Raiyo started talking to the five thugs. "Look, we don't want your protection and we have no intention of sharing our debt with you. If you don't get out of here I'll throw you out myself." He said in a harsh calm, a breath's width away from the edge. The leader of the group, however, was none the wiser, and started to push the matter. "You think you're going to scare me off? News flash punk, we're the top dogs working for Puma, and I don't get intimidated by twigs like you!" The man got in Raiyo's face, making the steely faced boy endure the smell of eggs and bacon on his breath.

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