Chapter 5:The Cost of Tears

Start from the beginning

Zan looked at her, then laughed."My, pretty words for a woman." He said with a slight accent."I propose a wager, for neither of us can forgive affronts made by the other, correct?"

The Demon put out a hand to stop Gem from drawing her blade."What sort of Wager?"

The Chief smiled."One of mine against one of yours. If yours wins, I shall send word to camp, and you shall have double our original offer. But, if mine is victorious, then I take my chest, we leave, and that's the end of it. Reasonable?"

Guiltare considered it."...Very well. Your terms are acceptable." She decided.

Zan smiled."It sounds....Xethe!What would work here?"

The commander considered a moment."...Marvelous." He replied.

His chief smiled."Mavelus!Yes, very Mavelus!" He clapped, and Xethe walked forward, drawing a broadsword.

Guiltare looked at Gem."Can you beat him? Be honest." The loss of the gold would be a setback, but the loss of Gem would be even more devastating.

Gem looked over the man, noting his muscles, the trained stance he took with his sword, and nodded."Easy enough." Said her hands. She drew her own blade and advanced.

The fight began with Gem slashing at her opponents side. He blocked with surprising speed, then launched an overhead strike at her. She was surprised and had no time to block, so dodged to the left, cutting at his legs. He stepped back to avoid the blow, smiling."My,you're not too bad!" He complimented, before striking at her side.

She was not yet recovered from her strike, and so suffered a cut on her hip. She hissed angrily and leapt back a few feet, putting a hand over the wound. He smiled."You could give up now, you know. Just give a little nod, and you can go patch that up."

Gem glared and shook her head, preparing to strike again.

Xethe smiled, shrugging disinterestedly."Your funeral."

Guiltare stood beside Zan to watch the fight."Your man is good." She conceded."Most opponents these days don't last but a few minutes against her, if that."

Zan smiled."Thank you. Xethe there used to be a rival chief. Always known for skill in battle, never leaving a fight unfinished. But, when I came to conquer him, he surrendered! No resistance at all, just wanted to become my bodyguard!" He laughed."Said he wanted to spare his people the pain of war. Bah! That's what servants are for! Dying and tributes!"

Guiltare focused on the fight, remaining silent, though his words angered her. Zan smiled."You should call off the Ith-Chiba soon, you know. Xethe has trouble holding back in fights. See? She's suffered a wound already."

She looked at him."You will not call her that." She said coldly."Or your titles be damned, I'll strike you down in this very field. And save the bragging for if and when you win." Zan narrowed his eyes and began to speak, but opted not to and instead watched the fight.

Gem continued striking, and Xethe parried each blow almost effortlessly."Come now, you'll have to try harder than that!" He sidestepped a blow from her and whacked the back of her head with the flat of his blade."Bah! Sloppy! Who trained you with that blade, hmm? A packmule, perhaps?"

Gem turned, glaring."Do not mock my master." she warned.

Xethe laughed."Sorry Nrevac,I can't speak hands."

She narrowed her eyes, then stabbed her sword into the ground, walking towards him.

He smiled."Oh? Giving up? Smart of you."

Gem shook her head."I just don't need it." She signed.

He laughed."I told you, I don't-Oof!"

She suddenly advanced with greater speed, punching him across the face. He staggered and glared."You little-" He swung his sword, but she simply leapt above it, kicking his nose and sending him sprawling back. The blade fell from his hand, and Gem pounced on him. She grabbed his collar and pulled him up, striking furiously with her fist.

Guiltare nodded in approval."Enough,you've won." She said. Gem didn't seem to hear and continued striking. Guiltare walked over and grabbed her arm, pulling her back."I said enough." She repeated calmly.

Gem stopped obediently and stood, spitting on the ground near him."Spoke those hands,didn't you?" She signed, smirking. He got to his feet, groaning, and limped over to Zan.

The king grimaced, seeming more annoyed than concerned for his servant."...As promised, twenty chests will be sent over." He said reluctantly.

He gestured to his followers and strode off, still a confident air about him despite the loss. Xethe shot them a glare over his shoulder. Seeming frustrated, he punched the fan-carrying man. He staggered slightly, but recovered, seeming used to such treatment. They soon reached the treeline and vanished from sight.

Guiltare began walking back, a few soldiers carrying the chest."Narra, walk with them, I want it counted as soon as we're back."

Narra nodded."Yes ma'am." She fell back beside the men, leaving Guiltare at the front with Gem."'s your wound?" She inquired, looking down at the thin line of blood.

Gem smiled, signing in reply."Not too bad, really. Just a surface wound, wouldn't surprise me if it healed itself before Giles gets his hands on it. To be honest, I think I did more damage to my hand punching the jerk!"

Guiltare looked at Gem's hands, and was suddenly reminded of why she wore red gloves;She disliked cleaning, and it hid the blood. She nodded."About may be better to show restraint in the future. If you focus on one foe, others could attack while you are distracted."

She shrugged."It doesn't happen very often."

Guiltare narrowed her eyes, having had this argument with her before."It only has to happen once, and-"

"He insulted you." She signed."I don't tolerate people who would mock my master."

Guiltare sighed."Gem...that is very sweet, but you must understand that rage like that is a weakness in battle, and-"

"And his master was even worse!" She continued, not seeming to listen."I still hear you in your tent, you know. Your tears are worth more than one measly chest of-"

The Demon smacked her hands, glancing around to make sure no one was watching."Don't talk about that out in the open." She hissed."Understood!?"

Gem blinked, nodding. Guiltare saw fear in her eyes and sighed, patting her head."But...That is kind of you to say....Tell me, do you think twenty chests would cover that cost?"

Gem shook her head, grinning slightly."No. But, it's a nice start."

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