Chapter 8:Sharp Horns

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It was when Guiltare was eight that her father decided to begin her training. He told her "I'll not have any daughter of mine a weakling!" He had gone to her normal home at Morz and picked her up.

Morz looked at Guiltare."I would be happy to train you here myself." He offered, an unusual nervous tone to his voice.

Guiltare had considered it, but shook her head. Part of it was because she was still young and naive, and wished to form a bond with her father. Part of it was because she had never seen Morz fight, and did not know what to expect. Part of it was the fact that her father was watching from over Morz' shoulder, giving a calm glance that somehow filled her with dread.

He lead her through the Coldwoods, smiling. "Ah, being here brings back so many memories." He said, more to himself than to her. "My father took me hunting here often. Why, just over that hill is where I shot my first deer. Big fellow too, we ate for a few weeks!"

Guiltare nodded."That's neat pa-"

He laughed, placing his hand on a spruce tree with a large gash down the side. "Aha! This is where I had my first battle! That was made by a warrior from a neighboring village, big fellow, bushy beard. Swung his sword right at my head, nearly got me too! But, I ducked at the last second,and it got stuck in there. Ooh, he hollered and begged so loud when I opened his belly! Came back later and saw the sword was still there!"

He pat the sword at his side. "Believe you me, it's served me much better than it did him!"

Guiltare winced slightly at those words, but nodded in agreement."That, um...That's great papa." Guilta looked at her, as though just now remembering she was there."Huh...It is great, isn't it?"

Guilta lead her to an area deep in the woods, ringed with icy trees."This is the area where my own father took me to train, believe it or not. Notice anything odd about it?"

Guiltare frowned."No snow." Indeed, within the ring of trees, there was only brown mud or scattered branches.

The Devil chuckled."Very true. Once upon a time there was a fire Mage who caused my village all manner of problems. He was killed, but his final attack was so intense that the heat stayed in the ground. Nothing grows here, and any snow that falls here melts the instant it touches it." He smiled."A perfect training ground, nothing hidden in the snow to affect our mobility."

He pulled a short sword from his side."Let's see what you know already. Attack until you hit me or I stop you." He ordered, handing it to her.

She gulped." A...Are you sure? I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you. I-I mean...real swords are sharp, and-"

"That's the point!" He snapped."Real swords, real danger. I'll not be babying you into it with wooden practice swords. The sooner you learn the work and feel of a real blade, the sooner you can gain true skill. Now, attack!"

She hesitated a moment longer, the nodded, swinging at his knees. The Devil laughed."You call that an attack!" She swung again, for his chest this time. He sidestepped, then hit her blade with his own. The vibrations stung her hand, and she yelped, dropping the blade."Ow!"

He laughed."Keep a loose grip, or you'll find that happening a lot." He said. She quickly picked up her blade again, slashing at his side.

He batted her blow aside effortlessly. "You keep attacking!" He ordered, parrying another blow. "Devils are made to spawn demons! And you shall be the finest demon ever seen in the world!" He stepped back to avoid another swing."Your claws shall be strong! Your soul and heart hardened to life! You shall charge into battle like a bull, and thanks to me, you shall have sharp horns, to pierce all who stand before you and end their miserable existence! Now, strike again! Strike harder! Strike now!"

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