Chapter 15:Vizier

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Soon after the ambush, Vizier had been captured by a group of Vrai soldiers. The woman in charge of them laughed."Good job boys! Lord Valga'll reward us for this!"She removed her helm, showing that she had the brown hair of a Vraiwoman. Her men laughed and sat down, keeping their weapons raised.

The woman sat down and pat his shoulder."We should be thanking you, really. Awfully nice of you to be unconscious for us when we got here!" This brought a wave of laughter from her men, who began speaking amongst themselves as they guarded the area. The woman sighed."Sorry to say, he'll probably kill you himself with that fancy sword of his." She informed Vizier, sitting down and keeping a hand on her spear.

He looked at her, nodding."Unfortunate...why would you join him if you feel that way?" He asked.

She shrugged."Simple. He has power, I don't. And, if I work hard enough...I'll be able to change things."

Vizier nodded."Hmm...So, you're one of the nobles children?"

She shook her head."Daughter of a son of a noble." She replied."My father died trying to earn back his title...trying to improve everyone's lives."

He nodded, sighing."I see...I could work in your favor." He offered."If I were freed-"

"Then I'd die, and Fauxmen nobles can't do much for dead people, can they?" She spat at his feet.

He sighed."If I could, I would."He said. "But must realize that Valga will never make good on whatever promise he's made."

The woman, who was named Vodrai, sighed."Very true. But, a girl can hope."

Vizier frowned, deciding to change the subject."...Tell me, what do you hope to change? What is it that you hope to accomplish by becoming a noble?"

She paused for a moment, then sighed."Guess I should humor you, if you're going to die anyways. So, I'll answer with another question. What do you think the picture of complete happiness for a woman would be?"

He considered for a moment." be happy. Marry a kind man and have children, certainly."

She nodded, hesitating."And...what if, say, a woman did not want to marry a man? If she loved another woman?"

She looked up to see he was surprised."'re..."

She nodded."I am."

Vizier sighed."Well...I see no problem with it, and-"

"Have you raised any concerns about it in your little meetings in the Capitol?"

He hesitated and shook his head.

"Well, surely you've talked about tolerance?"

He shook his head again.

"Well, you've at least made it clear it isn't a problem in your fiefdom, that you wouldn't put an end to any such union?"

He sighedresignedly." I haven't done any of that."

She nodded."Exactly the problem. Even if you are unopposed to it, as you say, you don't support it either. No one talks about such things, or if they do, it's to condemn those who feel like I do. So, if...When, I become a noble...I'm going to get people talking about it. They'll ignore me at first, sure, but...they can only do that for so long." She snickered."Just imagine the looks on those old Fauxmen's faces if I start bringing my woman in to meetings. Or better yet, I'll invite them to my wedding!" She laughed.

He sighed."Well...even if your lord was not going to kill me, I wish I could share in your enthusiasm. Nobles of this land are either very cruel, very ignorant, or very cowardly...I myself happen to be part of the last."

Demon(#Wattys2017 Entry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon